Archiving or restoring all ingredients of a dynamic simulation Archiving all ingredients stores (in a single ZIP file which we refer to as a Zip Archive) all files needed to reproduce the base case and policy deviation runs (and the base rerun if relevant). You should distinguish this from saving simulation details (which basically just stores files names rather than the actual files). Suppose you have run a base case and a policy deviation. If you use this menu item to archive all ingredients, you can subsequently delete some or all results files (spreadsheet, Solution and data files) safe in the knowledge that you can restore the ingredients from this archive (exactly as they were). This means that if you restore the ingredients and then run the base case and the policy deviation (and rerun the base case with the policy closures, if relevant), you will get exactly the same results. A zip archive contains three main groups of files, as well as a couple of other useful files. By default the Zip Archive is placed in a subdirectory ARCHIVE of the directory in which this program is situated (for example in directory C:\RUNDYNAM\ARCHIVE), though you can choose to store it in another directory. When you save a Zip archive, RunDynam suggests a Zip name that is based on the Model name and the Sim Names (on the Sim Overview page). For example, suppose that the Model is MYMODEL.EXE and that the Sim Names are BAS (Base), BR1 (Rerun) and PL1 (Policy). Then the name of the Zip archive suggested will be MYMODEL-BASB-BR1R-PL1P.ZIP As well as full Zip archives, you may wish to save partial Zip archives. For example, you may want to exclude the Model files, or you may want to save just some files on the Closure/Shocks page, and their constituents. We call these latter files Closure/Shocks Zip archives. Restoring all ingredients from a Zip Archive requires some care. If you restore from a Zip archive made when using GEMSIM to solve the model, you need to have exactly the same version of GEMSIM in order to rerun the simulations when you restore from that Zip archive. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |