Zip Archives when using GEMSIM

Zip archives are excellent ways of sending your scenario to a colleague.

If your model EXE is a TABLO-generated program, your colleague can restore from the Zip archive and get exactly the same results as you have. Your colleage does not even need to have GEMPACK installed since the model EXE is included in the Zip archive.

If, however, you are using GEMSIM to solve your model, sending a Zip archive will only work if your colleague has GEMPACK installed and has exactly the same version of GEMSIM (or GEMPACK) as you have. This is because the contents of GEMSIM Auxiliary files change between different GEMPACK releases. [For example, GEMSIM Auxiliary files made with Release 10.0 of GEMPACK cannot be used by the GEMSIM from Release 10.0-002 of GEMPACK.]

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