Restoring All Ingredients from a Zip Archive

When you restore all ingredients, you are prompted for the name of the Zip Archive to restore from and then asked into which directory you wish to restore the files. Click here for advice about choosing the directory into which you will restore the files.

The restoring procedure restores the files into three directories. The model files go into a subdirectory MODEL of the directory into which you are restoring, the data files go into a subdirectory DATA of this directory and the remaining files (the Closures and Shocks files and their ingredients) go into the directory into which you are restoring.

If the ZIP archive contains TABETC.ZIP and/or EXTRA.ZIP, the files in these are restored to subdirectories TABETC and EXTRA of the directory into which you are restoring.

If the ZIP archive contains EXTRA2.ZIP, the files in these are restored to subdirectory EXTRA (and its subdirectories, if relevant) of the directory into which you are restoring. [Here EXTRA is not a typo. Files here are restored into EXTRA, not EXTRA2.]

When you restore the Simulation Details of the restored application are always saved using the standard Simulation Details name (based on the Model name and the Sim Names used when the application was saved in the ZIP archive). RunDynam tells you these names.

After all files have been restored, you are asked if you wish to load these restored Simulation Details into RunDynam and make the directory into which you restored the files the Working Directory. This means setting all the user input on the Model/Data, Sim Overview and Closure/Shocks pages as it was when you archived the application. If you say yes, you will be in a position from which you can run all parts of the application again (in the directory to which you have restored the files).

Note that no results are stored in a Zip Archive. Nor are details of dates and times of files created. If, when you made the ZIP archive, you also zipped up some or all of the results, you can restore those results now. Otherwise you will need to run all the simulations again before you can look at the results.

You can also restore just the Closure and Shocks files from a Zip archive.

You should always restore file from these using the appropriate menu item under the Zip menu rather than by using some other unzipping tool (such as WinZIP). Unlike other unzipping tools, RunDynam attempts to restore the time and date when the files were last modified exactly as it was when you made the Zip archive.

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