The archive is for the storage and distribution of a variety of materials such as technical notes, presentations, articles, student theses, and databases which do not fit into the CoPS Working Paper category.
Each archive item consists of a single ZIP file. This might contain a single file, such as a DOC or PDF file, or several different files (including HAR, TAB, XLS and other formats). If several files are included, or if there could be any doubt how to use or read the files, an explanatory file ReadMe.TXT should be included in the ZIP.
In some cases, instructions may refer to outdated Monash email addresses or URLs. New email addresses may be found here. Old URLs may be converted to new URLs by replacing "" by "", as explained here.
Many of the archive items contain working examples which you can run by using BAT files (batch scripts). If you are unfamiliar with BAT scripts, please see these instructions.
More recent Archive items appear at the top of the list below. Guidelines for submitting items to the archive appear here.
TPGW0211 This archive includes two variants of GlobeTERM. One concerns an aggregation of EuroTERM, the master database of which depicts 74 sectors in European regions at the NUTS-2 level plus all non-European GTAP regions. The other GlobeTERM example is an aggregation from a US master database that represents 74 sectors in 151 US regions plus all other GTAP regions. The example scenarios for both aggregations concern tariff hikes. See ReadMe.txt for instructions. Submitted GW January 2025. download (212KB).
TPPD0210 Paper by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer describing a validation exercise for 2014-2017 conducted with a 13-region 57-commodity version of the GTAP model. Submitted PBD November 2024. download (379KB).
TPMH0209 To estimate the effect of a natural disaster on one (of 27) region of Brazil, using a version of TERM, a professor asked his graduate students to manually run 104 simulations for 104 selected sectors, each with a unique closure, showing the economy-wide effects of a fall in output of that sector in that region. To save computation time, a master TERM database (with 27 regions and 125 sectors) was aggregated to 2 regions: ThisRegion and RestOfBrazil. The client was pleased, and asked that the simulations be repeated for each of the 27 regions. With 104 simulations for each of 27 regions, this requires 2808 simulations -- the graduate students got depressed! This archive item shows how the process was automated, taking around 19 minutes total (or 2 simulations per second). Requires GEMPACK 12 or later (either source-code or unlimited EXE-image). The automation illustrates several techniques including (a) replaceable parameters in BAT files; (b) replaceable parameters in CMF files; and (c) the use of the echo command to create text files from which HAR files are made. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted MH September 2024. download (6.9MB).
TPGW0208 USAGE-TERM is a multi-regional CGE model of the US economy that CoPS has used since the mid-2010s. The attached archive includes a 34 sector, 51 region aggregation of USAGE-TERM with considerable agricultural detail. The database is for 2005. The archive includes the TABLO code for a core version of TERM and a command file for a real homogeneity simulation. The USAGE-TERM edited volume is available here. Submitted GW June 2024. download (4.8MB).
TPMH0207 How to make a non-square SUT square and diagonal. Using the Industry Technology Assumption, Supply-Use Tables for 66 industries and 140 commodities are exapnded into new square Supply-Use Tables with 140 sectors and a diagonal MAKE matrix. Submitted MH May 2024. download (30KB).
TPJN0206 CoPS researchers and Victoria University (VU) colleague, Joanna Pyke, prepared a report for VU's School for the Visitor Economy on the development of improved modelling tools for analysing the visitor economy. The study involved the incorporation into the Centre of Policy Studies' (CoPS) multiregional dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of an explicit treatment of the visitor economy. Submitted JN April 2024. download (2.7MB).
TPGW0205 A submission to the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023, prepared by Glyn Wittwer in September 2023. The Senate passed the amendment on 27 November, 2023. Submitted GW November 2023. download (659KB).
TPMH0204 TABLO program example of how to process conventional Supply-Use Tables to produce data for a CGE model like ORANI-G. Loop syntax is used, so requires GEMPACK 12. For more details see file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH November 2023. download (24KB).
TPMH0203 This download includes two programs to convert GTAP data from the old v6 format to the new v7 format, and vice versa. For more details see file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted JMH January 2023. download (150KB).
PPPD0202 A talk given by Peter Dixon at a dinner to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Melbourne Institute. Includes the story of the Graeme Low Shield, trophy in an annual cricket match between the Melbourne University Commerce Faculty and the Melbourne Institute. Submitted PBD November 2022. download (763KB).
TPPD0201 This download includes background material on a TERM version of the US economy. It outlines the general demand specification in moving from a single-region to a multi-region model. It discusses data requirements and dimensionality. The document is referred to as 'the Dead Sea Scrolls'. Submitted PBD November 2022. download (274KB).
TPJL0200 "Submission on reforms of the Safeguard Mechanism", by Dr James Lennox, Centre of Policy Studies, 20 September 2022. This is a written submission made to the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in response to the Safeguard Mechanism reform consultation paper. Submitted JL October 2022. download (178KB).
TPGW0199 This download includes a PowerPoint presentation delivered by Glyn Wittwer on Trans-Tasman TERM on 29 September 2021. This outlines preparation of a prototype two country model with sub-national, bottom-up regions. The master database includes 132 sectors in 88 Australian SA4 regions and 17 New Zealand regions. The download contains the TABLO code, cmf file and aggregated database for a short-run scenario in which export demand for milk and other dairy products increases. Submitted GW January 2022. download (2.7MB).
TPMH0198 This download includes the full suite of data, programs and scripts used to generate the 185-sector 2016 Indonesia CGE database (ORANI-G format) that includes the limited regional data needed for a "top-down" regional extension. To replicate the data process, GEMPACK 12 or later is needed. For more details see file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted JMH October 2021 (updated February 2023). download (13.5MB).
TPMH0197 This download includes the full suite of data, programs and scripts used to generate the 185-sector, 34-province 2016 Indonesia TERM database. The starting point is a national CGE database (ORANI-G format) that includes the limited regional data needed for a "top-down" regional extension. To replicate the data process, a source code GEMPACK licence is needed. For more details see file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted JMH October 2021 (updated February 2023). download (8.3MB).
TPGW0196 This includes a write-up of preparation of the 2017-18 Australian national and sub-national databases. It also includes an aggregation to 65 GTAP sectors. Submitted GW September 2021. download (1.95MB).
TPIS0195 Notes and example by Ilan Salbe on "TABLO coding CES production function nests using a mapping". See also this related paper. Submitted by Ilan Salbe September 2021. download (1.4MB).
TPMH0194 Example of the standard or "reference" version of comparative static TERM as at September 2021 (unchanged since December 2019). Uses a Finnish database with 20 regions, 43 industries and 51 commodities. Submitted by Mark Horridge September 2021. download (1.3MB).
TPMH0193 A note explaining percent change equations to model a payroll tax that is levied only on larger firms -- those with wage bill > T. Tax revenue depends on the distribution of firm sizes and on the threshold T. Originally writtten May 1999,submitted JMH April 2021. download (108KB).
TPMH0192 Example of a standard TERM model with 436 regions and just 7 sectors, solving in 27 minutes. This is accompanied by a modified model, TERM2, especially designed to cope with the large number of regions. In this case, TERM2 solves 45 times faster than standard TERM! See file ReadMe.txt. Source-code GEMPACK 12 (or later) will be required to run the examples. Submitted JMH March 2021. download (341MB).
TPMH0191 Four GEMPACK implementations of a tiny pedagogical CGE model described in a journal article by James Markusen. Contains a GEMPACK example of a complementarity allowing one sector to cease production. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH March 2021. download (33MB).
TPMH0190 Example of some advanced GEMPACK techniques. A BAT file creates a sequence of MINIMAL databases with sizes ranging from 5 to 2000 sectors. The data is invented, but balanced. Uses techniques such as BAT file parameters, output and input redirection, CMF parameters, TAB-file loops and terminal reads. Requires GEMPACK 12 or later. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH October 2020. download (10KB).
TPMH0189 Zip of some hard-to-find Indonesia-related papers emanating from CoPS. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH September 2020. download (3.5MB).
TPLR0188 Excel documents to accompany Working Paper G-302, Constructing a 2016/17 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uganda. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted LR May 2020. download (1.3MB).
TPMH0187 Fullsize TERM databases, with around 30 regions and >100 sectors are too large to run conveniently. They are usually aggregated to a smaller size (say 20 regions and 70 sectors) which solves far more quickly. This archive shows how to aggregate a 34 region, 185 sector Indonesian TERM database (see item TPMH0168 below) down to 19 regions and 22 sectors. See file ReadMe.Doc. Submitted JMH March 2020. download (33MB).
TPMH0186 Contains ORA2GTAP, a TABLO program used to convert a standard ORANI-G data file into the format needed to contribute data to GTAP. So, if you built a single-country ORANI-G model using IO data that was more recent than that used by GTAP, you could easily share your data with GTAP. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH December 2019. download (1.06MB).
TPMH0185 Contains a sequence of TABLO programs used to convert a TERM multiregional CGE database into a series of regional input-output tables, like those used for local multiplier analysis. A preliminary step is to expand TERM's MRIO format into the larger IRIO format (where sourcing information is user-specific, as in MMRF). This is used to construct an IO table for each region, from which various tables of Type 1 and Type 2 multipliers are calculated. Results are stored in region-specific HAR and XLS files. A variety of GEMPACK techniques are illustrated: using BAT files to run a complicated sequence of programs; using SAGEM to separately compute the first-order effect of multiple shocks; using SLTOHT to generate a HAR file from an SL4 file; using TXT2HAR to make a HAR file from a text file; and using HAR2XLS to make an XLS file from a HAR file. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH December 2019. download (9.5MB).
TPMH0184 It is easy with GEMPACK to make equation A apply to a subset of commodities while equation B applies to all the other commodities. But what if we wished to use equation A for a particular group of commodity/region pairs and have equation B apply in all other cases? An experienced GAMS programmer might create a multidimensional set, then reach for a tuple. GEMPACK allows for similar techniques, although the terminology is different. This archive contains examples of product sets and projection mappings used to produce some tuplistic effects. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH September 2019. download (9KB).
TPMH0183 GTAP moved from the good old 57 sectors [GSEC2] to the wild new 65 sectors [GSEC3]. This archive contains GMAP.HAR, containing old and new sector codes, and a mapping 65-->57. Similar information is contained in file GMAP.XLS. Other supplementary files are included.See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH August 2019. download (465KB).
TPMH0182 Example of the TERMSCAL program used to (a) remove accounting imbalances in a TERM database; and/or (b) update the database by imposing new targets for regional GDP, sector outputs, etc. The example requires source-code GEMPACK, but could be adapted to use EXE-image GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH August 2019. download (2.5MB).
TPMH0181 Contains LandAdd.PDF, a discussion of the CET functional form, and the problem that it is not volume-preserving or quantity-preserving (physical quantities do not add up properly). Remedies to the problem are discussed, including a CRETH approach which is both quantity-preserving and efficiency neutral. TAB and CMF files are included so you can run all the examples mentioned in the text. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH April 2019. download (138KB).
TPMH0180 Shows how to easily compute in GEMPACK a distance matrix, given latitude/longitude coordinates for a set of points. Includes an accurate polynomial approximation for the COS function. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH March 2019. download (17MB).
TPMH0179 GEMPACK 12 Preview: Release 12 imposes certain limitations on LHS mappings in Formulae. These limitations can often be circumvented by using a Loop statement. In this example, a weight matrix is constructed to map between 200 ecological zones and 300 political zones. The two are related by a million grid cells, each of which is located in just one ecological zone and just one political zone. The calculation takes 37 seconds the old GP11 way, but just 1.5 seconds the new GP12 way. Submitted by MH September 2018. download (32MB).
TPMH0178 GEMPACK 12 Preview: Release 12 allows Loop statements in TAB files, which are very convenient for certain data manipulation tasks, in particular for iteratively scaling arrays so that they add up to predetermined control totals. In this example an estimate array dimensioned COM*IND*REG (120*100*80) is scaled so that it adds up to three subtotal control matrices dimensioned COM*IND, IND*REG and COM*REG. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH September 2018. download (12MB).
TPMH0177 GEMPACK 12 Preview: New for Release 12 is the ability to use mappings on the left-hand side of Formulas. This can dramatically speed up certain operations. In this example, the input file contains a 50-region, 57-sector inter-regional input-output table stored as a 2-dimensional matrix [rows are commodity*sourceregion; columns are user*destregion]. We wish to transform this to a 4-dimensional array [commodity*sourceregion*columns*destregion]. Using GEMPACK 11.0 this took 36 seconds; GEMPACK12 took 0.22 seconds -- around 150 times faster. Using files in this archive, you can measure the speedup on your own PC. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH September 2018. download (39MB).
TPMH0176 Example of using SLTOHT and HAR2CSV to extract selected results from an SL4 file into a CSV which can easily be turned into an Excel pivot table. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH July 2018. download (3.6MB).
TPMH0175 Example of ORANI-G model used to simulate the effect on Uganda of an increase in foreign tourist demand. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH July 2018. download (7.9MB).
TPMH0174 Proposal for a method of aggregating CES elasticities. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH June 2018. download (116KB).
TPMH0173 GEMPACK 12 Preview: Release 12 dramatically speeds up the LU (linear solve) phase, especially reducing solution times for LU-bound models such as GTAP and TERM. For example, to solve a 50-region, 40-sector GTAP6 model took 787 seconds using GEMPACK 11.0, but only 135 seconds using GEMPACK 12.0 -- nearly 6 times faster. Using files in this archive, you can measure the speedup on your own PC. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH June 2018. download (18.5MB).
TPGW0172 Contains two documents. One outlines the data preparation for a 2015-16 master database of the Australian economy with 192 sectors and 334 regions. The task was undertaken prior to the release of the 2015-16 IO table by the ABS and consequently relies on an update from 2012-13. The other document outlines SinoTERM365, a 162 sector, 365 region master database of the Chinese economy based on 2012 data. Submitted by GW May 2018. download (3.1MB).
TPGW0171 A GTAP simulation used to estimate the supply elasticity of foreign coal to China. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH May 2018. download (3.9MB).
TPDP0170 PDF scan of out-of-print book: Structural Adaptation in an Ailing Macroeconomy [Dixon, Powell, Parmenter] download (5.2MB).
TPGW0169 Contains document and a RunDynam archive to illustrate a modified LES demand system that does not converge to Cobb-Douglas as incomes increase over time. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by GW Apr 2018. download (9.6MB).
TPMH0168 Contains document describing data used to construct an updated (2010 base year, 34 provinces, 185 sectors) version of the IndoTERM inter-regional CGE model of Indonesia, and 3 example simulations using this data. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH Jan 2018. download (17.5MB).
TPIC0167 A scan of 'A Guide to the IAC's Use of the ORANI Model', aka 'ORANI-Glossy', released by the Industries Assistance Commission in December 1987. Submitted October 2017. download (2.1MB).
TPBP0166 Scan of a chapter by B.R. Parmenter entitled 'Inter-Industry Analysis: the ORANI model of Australia's Industrial Structure', from the 1982 book 'Industrial Economics: Australian Studies', Webb and Allan (eds.). Submitted October 2017. download (2MB).
TPMH0165 Example of how SAGEM may be used to do large IO multiplier analysis -- or to invert a matrix! In this case, we construct a simple world IRIO input-output model with 30 regions and 40 sectors. We compute the individual effects, on output of each sector in each region, of increasing final demand for each sector in each region by 1 unit. The answer is equivalent to calculating the (I-A) inverse matrix, where I and A are of size 1200*1200. However, because an LU decomposition is used, the process is quicker and more accurate than directly inverting the matrix. See file ReadMe.txt. Requires source code GEMPACK. Submitted by MH May 2017. download (151KB).
TPMH0164 A model of Kazakhstan, based on ORANI-G, constructed in March 2017 for the Asian Development Bank. The main source data was an official 68-sector 2015 Supply-Use table. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH April 2017. download (3.4MB).
TPMH0163 A preliminary model of Kazakhstan, based on ORANI-G, constructed in February 2017 for the Asian Development Bank. The main source data was an official simplified 35-sector 2015 IO table -- to be replaced in future by a more detailed Supply-Use table. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by MH Feb 2017. download (553KB).
TPPJ0162 Description of Productivity Commission work relating to the 2009-10 to 2059-60 reference case for the VUMR model. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by PJ Nov 2016. download (15MB).
TPPJ0161 Description of VURM work used in the Productivity Commission study into Migrants into Australia. The archive includes the ingredients to run the relevant simulations. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by PJ Nov 2016. download (16MB).
TPMH0160 Archive containing 39 flow charts or 'nest diagrams' used in various GEMPACK-related documents. The original files were created using the now obsolete ABC FlowCharter 2.0 and suffixed 'AF2'. Visio 2002 was used to convert 39 such AF2 files into the VSD file format used by MicroSoft Visio. Submitted by MH, November 2016. download (1.2MB).
TPMH0159 Example of how effective condensation (automatic substitution) allows GEMPACK to solve quite large models fairly quickly. In this partial equilibrium example, two farm activities (irrigated and non-irrigated crops) are modelled in each of 500,000 gridcell land areas, grouped into 20 regions which trade with each other. After condensing out large variables and equations, a 3-5-7 Gragg simulation takes around 1 minute. See file readme.txt. Submitted by MH, August 2016. download (35.7MB).
TPMH0158 Example of how GEMPACK may be used to do SAM multiplier analysis. The SAGEM program may be used to quickly perform dozens or hundreds of Johansen simulations at once. This makes SAGEM a useful helper in performing IO calculations and multiplier analysis. The example here calculates "SAM multipliers" with respect to demand shocks for a Brazilian city. Submitted by MH, July 2016. download (3.4MB).
TPGW0157 Preparation of the USAGE model, a dynamic model of the U.S. economy, required many enhancements to raw input-output data. This archive contains two papers which detail database development work undertaken by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer in the formative years of USAGE development. Prepared 2002, submitted June 2016. download (317KB).
TPEL0156 The archive contains the model codes and datafiles for ORANIMON and MONAGE models of the Mongolian economy. See also file readme.txt. Submitted EL May 2016. download (4KB).
TPMH0155 Contains model, data, and documentation to illustrate how CGE demand and supply elasticities may be calculated using ORANI-G with SAGEM, and compares CGE elasticities to estimates based on formulae using parameters and shares. An extended explanation is provided in the file GEELAST.PDF. See also file readme.txt. Submitted JMH April 2016. download (13.3MB).
TPMH0154 Simple example of how to construct, in a TAB file, a mapping which aggregates two sectors into one. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH October 2015. download (2.7KB).
TPMH0153 Example of a complementarity in GEMPACK: enforcing a minimum share of biodiesel in blended fossil/bio diesel mix. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH October 2015. download (7.7KB).
TPMH0152 A second example of a technique (described in item TPMH0147 below) of linking GTAP to a national CGE model. In this more complicated example, the national model has many more sectors than GTAP, and there is no simple mapping between the two sectoral classifications. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH August 2015. download (5.2MB).
TPMH0151 Contains a Rundynam Archive to reproduce a simulation of a REDD scheme designed to compensate Nepal for halting deforestation in the Terai/Churia areas. The SAM-based model and simulation are described in an accompanying report. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH June 2015. download (5.3MB).
TPMH0150 Contains extended version of GTPVEW (aka GTAPView) program used to summarize GTAP database. Additions include checking of all identities and sign restrictions that the GTAP database must satisfy. May serve as a guide to the balance constraints implicit in the GTAP database. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH June 2015. download (2.1MB).
DPGW0149 Contains an Excel file which details mappings between the ABS published input-output 114 sector table, the 190 sectors of the VU-TERM master database, the 79 sectors of VUMR (Victoria University Multiregional Model), ANZSIC sectors and IOPC data. See the "ReadMe" sheet of the file. Submitted GW May 2015. download (90KB).
TPMH0148 Contains 2 RunDynam archives used to compare performance of different PCs, as described here. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH March 2015. download (19MB).
TPMH0147 PDF, TABLO code and data files to accompany 2003 GTAP conference presentation by Ferreira/Horridge: "Linking GTAP to National Models: Some Highlights and a Practical Approach". Essentially, the TAB file for the national model (a Brazilian version of ORANIG distinguishing 27 top-down regions within Brazil) is merely appended to the GTAP TAB file (luckily, the two models share very few names for coefficients/variables). A few equations to link the models are added. Then a closure swap deactivates the Brazil part of the GTAP model, substituting instead the ORANIG version of Brazil. It is not necessary that the ORANIG commodities and industries are the same as the GTAP sectors. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH January 2015. download (620KB).
TPMH0146 Several PPT files, created by Mark Horridge, covering aspects of CoPS regional CGE modeling. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH January 2015. download (620KB).
TPPA0145 Model, data and documentation for MMRF5 an updated and final version of MMRF, August 2014. See file readme.txt. Submitted October 2014 download (6.5MB). [Modified 19/11/2014 to include self-extracting archive for MMRF5 material.]
TPMH0144 Model and data files to recreate simulations reported in forthcoming journal article "Deforestation Control and Agricultural Supply in Brazil", using 20-period, 15-region, 36 sector version of the TERM-BR CGE model. See file readme.txt. Submitted JMH October 2014. download (6.6MB).
TPMH0143 Contains CETAdd.PDF, a discussion of the CET/CES functional form, and the problem that it is not volume-preserving or quantity-preserving (physical quantities do not add up properly). Remedies to the problem are discussed. TAB and CMF files are included so you can run all the examples mentioned in the text. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH September 2014. download (164KB).[note: item TPMH0181 above is a later version of this]
TPGW0142 A discussion by Glyn Wittwer on how the relative size of TERM and MMRF databases varies according to the numbers of regions and sectors. While for any practical number of regions the TERM data structure is far smaller, if the number of regions gets very large the MMRF data may be smaller. Submitted GW September 2014. download (52KB).
TPMH0141 This archive contains contains a zipped PDF of Horridge, J.M. and Zhai, F (2005), "Shocking a Single-Country CGE Model with Export Prices and Quantities from a Global Model"; annex to Chapter 3 in T.W. Hertel and L.A. Winter (eds.) Poverty and the WTO: Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda, published by World Bank and later Palgrave Macmillan. Submitted JMH August 2014. download (46KB).
TPMJ0140 This archive contains simulation EXEs and data for simulations reported in "Modern trade theory for CGE modelling: the Armington, Krugman and Melitz models" by Peter B. Dixon, Michael Jerie and Maureen T. Rimmer, Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University. Some simulations are available in two forms; as RunDynam zip archives and command-line simulations. Submitted MJ April 2014. download (74MB).
TPMH0139 The original 1993 journal article (known as the "Black magazine" and now hard to find) on which the ORANI-G document is based. This older version has two unique features: it describes the ORANI-F forecasting approach (now mostly replaced by recursive-dynamic models), and includes a full interpretation of an example simulation. Submitted JMH March 2014. download (4MB).
TPEC0138 PhD thesis by Erwin Corong , "Tariff elimination, gender and poverty in the Philippines: A computable general equilibrium (CGE) microsimulation analysis", Also contains the necessary files (TAB/EXE/AXS/AXT/HAR/CMF) to run two simulations reported in the thesis, as well as the solution files generated by those simulations. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted EC February 2014. download (96MB).
TPMH0137 Runtime of your GEMPACK model can often be improved by tuning the condensation. In this example we make standard GTAP run twice as fast by editing the STI file -- TAB file is not changed. Archive includes improved 64-bit GTAP.EXE/AXS/AXT files which could be used (on 64-bit Windows) as faster replacements for the standard GTAP.EXE/AXS/AXT files. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted JMH November 2013. download (6.8MB).
TPGW0136 This report on a hypothetical closure of Australia's motor vehicle industry was undertaken prior to Ford announcing that it was closing its Australian operations in 2016. The scenario assumes that all car manufacturers in Australia close within a short period of time. The report prepared by Glyn Wittwer was commissioned by Allens Consulting early in 2013. Submitted GW November 2013. download (2MB).
TPGW0135 USAGE 2.0; Historical simulations for 1998 to 2009: This paper by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer outlines the methodology used to update USAGE, based on the annual 65-sector input-output tables produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). An appendix explains the modifications required to BEA data to make them suitable for a CGE database. Submitted GW August 2013. download (152KB).
TPGW0134 Note, dated December 2003, by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer on preparation of regional data for USAGE model. Submitted GW August 2013. download (191KB).
TPMH0133 Example of a small GAMS model translated into GEMPACK -- with same answers from either solution method. See file Notes.doc. Submitted MH August 2013. download (20KB).
TPMH0132 You might wish, for debugging purposes, to see values of variables and coefficents AT EACH STEP of a multistep GEMPACK simulation (eg, a 3-step Euler). This archive item, using GTAP as an example, shows how to do it. See file ReadMe2.txt. Submitted MH June 2013. download (2.8MB).
TPMJ0131 Similar to archive item TPMH0129, this contains an example of replaceable CMF parameters used with the GTAP model. Multiple simulations show how the welfare loss from the tariff relates to the average value of trade elasticities. The welfare loss rises to a maximum as the Armington elasticity grows from zero, reaches a maximum and then declines as elasticities get very large. However, we find that GTAP results become unstable when these elasticities are small but non-zero. This odd kink was mentioned in a GTAP conference presentation (Shanghai, June 2013). You can run the examples even if your GEMPACK is older than Release 11.2. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted MJ June 2013. download (3MB).
TPMH0130 RunDynam archive of simulations underlying a journal paper modelling Indirect Land Use Change in Brazil. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted May 2013. download (5.7MB).
TPMH0129 Starting with Release 11.2, GEMPACK allows you to pass replaceable parameters from the command line to CMF files. This item contains a series of examples to show how you might use this facility -- and learn quite a lot about BAT files! You can run the examples even if your GEMPACK is older than Release 11.2. See file CMFparm.PDF. Submitted MH May 2013. download (6MB).
TPKP0128 Archive of source code and examples used to develop MGE2GP -- a program which converts MPSGE models to GEMPACK. See file AAHIST.TXT. Submitted KP April 2013. download (31MB).
TPKP0127 Contains the software files which accompanied the 1992 publication Notes and Problems in Applied General Equilibrium Economics by Dixon/Parmenter/Powell/Wilcoxen. Originally released on 5.25 floppy disks (now hard to read) the software still runs in 2013 on 32-bit Windows XP (although not on 64-bit Windows). See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted KP April 2013. download (1.5MB).
TPMH0126 Contains EXE file and data for South African TERM model used in TERM training courses 2011/12. The model is quite large and will not run under GEMSIM with a "limited size" licence. However, this EXE version will run with any GEMPACK licence. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted MH April 2013. download (3.4MB).
TPMH0125 In preparing data we may need to merge or compare two sources with different levels of sectoral detail. For example, we may wish to compare two vectors of exports, one from an IO table defined over set OSEC size 92 sectors, the other from the GTAP database defined over a set GSEC size 57. There may be no direct mapping from OSEC to GSEC, or vice-versa. The solution may be to define a 3rd, smaller, set of sectors (called, say, GROUP) with as many sectors as possible, such that each OSEC sector and each GSEC sector maps to (is contained within) just one GROUP. Then the mappings (from OSEC and GSEC to GROUP) let us aggregate both export vectors to the same GROUP size, allowing easy comparison. This archive item contains an example TABLO program showing how the task of creating the set GROUP (and the 2 mappings) can be automated. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted MH April 2013. download (255KB).
TPMH0124 Documents the preparation of GTAP Regional Input-Output Data for Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, with original data. See files ReadMe.TXT and Overview.doc. Submitted MH April 2013. download (3MB).
TPAP0123 Files used in preparing CoPS Working paper IP-80, "Cobb-Douglas Utility - Eventually", June 2002. The TAB file for ORANI-G with AIDADS is ORANAIDAD.TAB dated 2 March 2002. There are other TAB files. Also several Command (.CMF) files. A copy of the Working paper IP-80 is in the top directory of the zip as IP-80.PDF. See AAReadMe.TXT in the top directory for more details. Submitted AAP, March 2013. download (5.8MB).
TPMH0122 Successive versions of the GTAP database have distinguished increasing numbers of regions. This resource shows how a standard list of 226 standard regions (nations) maps to various GTAP region sets, ranging from the 24 regions of GTAP Version 2 up to the 129 regions of GTAP Version 8. The mappings are contained in printable XLS and machine-readable HAR formats. This an update of Item TPMH0084 below. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted Mar 2013. download (80KB).
TPMH0121 TABLO example showing how to calculate "closest neighbours". Finds which region is nearest to each one of a list of map coordinates. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge February 2013. download (9KB).
TPMH0120 3 simple CGE models based on the Crusoe method of extracting a CGE database from the GTAP dataset. Example used is Burma. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge December 2012. download (0.8MB).
TPMH0119 Two older versions of the Chinese PRCGEM model, a variant of ORANI-G, relating to the 1992 and 1997 Chinese IO tables. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge December 2012. download (1.2MB).
TPMH0118 Example of Indonesian TERM prepared February 2012 with 30 regions and 39 sectors. Please see cautionary notes in file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge December 2012. download (6MB).
TPMH0117 Example of the standard or "reference" version of comparative static TERM as at December 2012. Uses a Polish database with 16 regions, 33 sectors and 2 household types. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge December 2012. download (6MB).
TPGW0116 Material to replicate a simulation reported in the journal "Spatial Economic Analysis", Volume 5, Issue 2, 2010, "Bringing Regional Detail to a CGE Model using Census Data", by Glyn Wittwer & Mark Horridge. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted October 2012. download (3.9MB).
TPMH0115 Simplified Input-Output example, illustrating GEMPACK computation of multipliers and the (I-A) inverse. See file IOMULT.TAB for more information. Submitted by Mark Horridge September 2012. download (2.6MB).
TPMH0114 TABLO example showing how to maintain on the data file a vector showing lagged percent changes in some variable. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge September 2012. download (3KB).
TPMH0113 A RunDynam archive of simulations underlying the Ferreira-Horridge paper "Ethanol Expansion and Indirect Land Use Change in Brazil" presented at the 2011 (Venice) GTAP conference. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge August 2012. download (6MB).
TPMH0112 TERM version for Japan, constructed by Shusaku Yamamoto, from 104-sector 2000 Japanese IO table (see item TPSY0054 below), and distinguishing 47 bottom-up regions. For the test version provided the database has been aggregated to 32 sectors. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge August 2012. download (6MB).
TPHB0111 Material used for an undergraduate CGE course at the University of Pretoria. Omitted is a PDF version of the ORANI book -- this can be downloaded as item BPMH0098 below. Submitted by Heinrich Bohlmann July 2012. download (17MB).
TPMH0110 2013 version of ORANI-G model, incorporating various minor improvements.This version contains a top-down regional extension, and condensation instructions are included in the TAB file (no STI file). It also includes many 'assertions' that check accounting and sign restrictions in the model data. An input data file, basedata.har, is included (with Australian data). If you can make a version (for your own country) of basedata.har that can be used as a drop-in replacement, you can readily run standard programs to produce a database that can be used for the TERM multi-regional model. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge August 2013. download (420KB).
TPEC0109 This archive contains material to complement COPS working paper G-227: "PHILGEM: A SAM-based computable general equilibrium model of the Philippines", by Erwin Corong and Mark Horridge. The zip file contains the PHILGEM model specification in TABLO Input file and a 25-sector database with 2 occupational and 20 household categories. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Erwin Corong April 2012. download (2MB).
TPMH0108 37-commodity, 35-industry, ORANI-G database based on the Australian 2001-2 Supply-Use Tables. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge July 2011. download (134KB).
TPJH0107 RunDynam archive for VERM: a dynamic version of TERM for Finland. Submitted June 2011. download (8MB).
TPHB0106 PhD thesis by Heinrich Bohlmann, "Labour and Migration Policy in South Africa", which uses a dynamic CGE model to analyse the effects of a policy-induced cut to illegal immigration. Submitted May 2011. download (1.3MB).
TPMH0105 This archive contains SplitReg, a set of programs to add new regions to a standard GTAP database. Requires GEMPACK. See file SplitReg.doc. Submitted by Mark Horridge April 2011 (revised April 2016, August 2017). download (208KB).
TPMH0104 This archive contains GTAPAdjust, a program to adjust flows in (or remove imbalances from) a standard GTAP database. Requires GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge March 2011. download (543KB).
TPMH0103 This archive contains material to compare implementations of the same SIMPLE model in GAMS, GEMPACK and MPSGE. The same models are run and timed for using datasets of sizes 50 to 500 sectors. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge March 2011. download (2MB).
TPMH0102 An example showing one way to simulate in GTAP a change in household tastes, shifting from food to services. See file ReadMe.doc. Submitted by Mark Horridge Feb 2011. download (51KB).
TPMH0101 Contains a paper by Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson entitled Systematic Sensitivity Analysis with Respect to Correlated Variations in Parameters and Shocks, together with various example TABLO programs. The standard Systematic Sensitivity Analysis (SSA) tools built into GEMPACK assume that all parameters or shocks are varying independently (ie, are not correlated) or together (ie, are fully correlated). As well, you can compute the sensitivity of model results with respect to variations in parameter or shocks, but not both at once. Material in this archive shows how BOTH restrictions may be surmounted; ie, shows how to do SSA with respect to parameters and/or shocks, which vary according to a specified covariance matrix. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge Dec 2010. download (4.12MB).
TPMH0100 A simple top-down subregional extension for GTAP, demanding little data and computer resources. In the supplied example, GTAP distinguishes 3 regions: OldEU, NewUE, and ROW. Quantity results for the two EU regions are broken down into results for 334 NUTS2 subregions. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted by Mark Horridge Dec 2010. download (55KB).
DPHB0099 27-sector 2006 South Africa database for ORANI-G, together with some source data used to prepare it. Submitted by Heinrich Bohlmann Sep 2010. download (328KB).
BPMH0098 Scanned PDF of book ORANI: A Multisectoral Model of the Australian Economy by Peter B. Dixon, B.R. Parmenter, John Sutton and D.P. Vincent, originally published by North-Holland and now out of print (copyright has reverted to Dixon). Submitted JMH April 2010 download (86MB).
BPMH0097 Scanned PDF of Chapter 2 of book ORANI: A Multisectoral Model of the Australian Economy by Peter B. Dixon, B.R. Parmenter, John Sutton and D.P. Vincent, originally published by North-Holland and now out of print (copyright has reverted to Dixon). Chapter 2 is titled "A skeletal version of ORANI" and describes Miniature ORANI (MO), a model used for teaching purposes. Submitted JMH April 2010 download (12MB).
TPBP0096 Paper by Brian Parmenter and Mark Horridge, "Exporting economic models: CoPS' experience in South Africa and Asia" presented to the International Symposium on Economic Modelling, World Bank, Washington DC, June 1994. Submitted MH April 2010 download (33KB).
TPJB0095 Paper by Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho using the Brazilian version of TERM to model "The world increase in ethanol demand and poverty in Brazil". Submitted MH March 2010 download (1MB).
BPPD0094 Scanned PDF of book Notes and Problems in Microeconomic Theory by Dixon, Bowles and Kendrick, originally published by North-Holland and now out of print (copyright has reverted to Dixon). Submitted PBD August 2009 download (56MB).
TPMH0093 GEMPACK code examples showing 4 ways to RAS a matrix. These may be adapted to solve a variety of RAS-like problems. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted JMH July 2009 (updated May 2011) download (27KB).
TPMH0092 Scanned PDF of 1986 paper "Forecasting Versus Policy Analysis with the ORANI Model" by Dixon, Parmenter and Horridge. Appeared as Impact Working Paper OP-56, and as IAESR Working Paper No. 4/1986. Submitted JMH Jan 2009 download (537KB).
TPMH0091 HAR file version of material prepared by Tom Rutherford showing inter-country distances between all 113 GTAP 7 regions; with short program to compute the distance matrix for an aggregated region set. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted JMH Dec 2008 download (602KB).
TPPA0090 Description of MMRF3 used by the Productivity Commision for their NRA study. Also includes a RunDynam zip archive for a standard NRA simulation. See file ReadMe.txt. Submitted Nov 2008 download (10.3MB).
PPJG0089 Powerpoint overview of CoPS activities as at Oct 2008, by James Giesecke. Submitted Oct 2008 download (111KB).
TPMH0088 Scan of a hard-to-find paper: Paul Armington, A theory of demand for products distinguished by place of production, IMF Staff Papers 16 (1969), pp. 159-176. Submitted Oct 2008 download (1.5MB).
TPMH0087 An example showing how the standard GTAP model may be modified to allow for taste shifts towards domestic (and away from imported) goods. Source-code GEMPACK is required. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted May 2008 download (223KB).
TPGW0086 Version of SinoTERM model as at May 2008. SinoTERM is a large multi-regional model of China calibrated using 2002 data and distinguishing 137 sectors and 31 regions. For this example the database was aggregated down to 47 broad sectors while retaining all 31 regions. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted May 2008 download (6.4MB).
TPMH0085 This archive contains SAMBAL.TAB, a GEMPACK program for balancing square SAMs. See files ReadMe.TXT and SAMBAL.DOC. Submitted May 2008. download (200 KB). [Note: this is a revised version of archive item TPMH0048 [Nov 2003] see below. For this revision, SAMBAL.TAB has been converted to the "levels" GEMPACK syntax, because this makes it easier to impose additional constraints.]
TPMH0084 Successive versions of the GTAP database have distinguished increasing numbers of regions. This resource shows how a standard list of 226 standard regions (nations) maps to various GTAP region sets, ranging from the 24 regions of GTAP Version 2 up to the 113 regions of GTAP Version 7. The mappings are contained in printable XLS and machine-readable HAR formats. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted Mar 2008 (updated Oct 2008). download (76KB).
TPMH0083 Version of ORANI-G model and data based on the Chinese 2002 Input-Output Tables. Agricultural detail has been added, expanding the original 122 sectors to 137. Top-down regional shares are included for 31 provinces. Also included are all programs used to generate the database. To run simulations, or rebuild the data, Source-code or Unlimited Executable-Image GEMPACK is needed. This database is only released for academic or non-commercial purposes. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted Mar 2008 (revised April 2009). download (1.3MB).
TPMH0082 Example showing how the ORANI-G model may be very easily adapted to work as a conventional input-output model, and how to use the SAGEM program to rapidly compute matrices of standard or "Type 2" multiplier coefficents. A regional input-output calculation is also shown. GEMPACK is needed, but the Limited Executable Image version is enough. See files ReadMe.TXT and ORANIGIO.DOC. Submitted Mar 2008. download (178KB).
TPMH0081 35-sector ORANI-G model and database prepared from the 1995/96 New Zealand Input-Output Tables to support a January 2008 training course in Wellington NZ. You'll need Executable Image or Source Code GEMPACK to run the model. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted Jan 2008. download (108KB).
TPPA0080 Version 3 of the MMRF model, as used in 2007 regional CGE training courses. Two zip archives are supplied. The first, smaller zip (1.4MB) contains a 34 sector, 5-region 2001-2 Australian database. The second, larger zip (8.8MB) is a RunDynam ingredients archive, used for a dynamic simulation exercise. Submitted November 2007.
TPGW0079 Material to replicate a SinoTERM simulation presented to a conference in Changsha, July 2007. SinoTERM is a large multi-regional model of China calibrated using 2002 data and distinguishing 137 sectors and 31 regions. For these simulations the database was aggregated down to 63 broad sectors and 10 larger regions. Submitted June 2007. download (5.6MB).
PPJB0078 "Tax reform, income distribution and poverty in Brazil", paper using Brazil version of TERM presented by Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira-Filho of the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, to April 2007 ECLAC conference in Santiago, Chile. Submitted May 2007. download (243KB).
PPAP0077 "Taking IMPACT Abroad: The Global Trade Analysis Project", paper presented by T.Hertel in June 1994 to the Amsterdam IFAC meeting on Computational Methods in Economics and Finance. This early overview of the GTAP project includes results from a sample simulation -- of recent [in 1994] GATT agreements. Zip contains a scanned PDF. Submitted April 2007. download (857KB).
TPGW0076 Short paper presented by Glyn Wittwer at 2007 AARES conference (Queenstown, New Zealand), reporting two TERM-based simulations of the effects of rising oil and minerals prices on Indonesia and Australia. Submitted March 2007. download (65KB).
TPMR0075 This file contains two papers: "The economy-wide benefits of an increase in the proportion of students achieving year 12 equivalent education" by Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer,January, 2003 and "The effects on the Australian economy of improved financial literacy" by Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer October, 2004. Submitted January 2007. download (0.13 MB).
TPMH0074 Contains snapshot of TERM multi-regional CGE model of Australia as at November 2006. Featured aggregation has 19 sectors, 56 bottom-up regions, and 1337 subregions (modelled by top-down methods). Aggregates of the 1337 subregions are formed to generate real GDP results for 150 Federal electorates. Requires source-code GEMPACK version 9 or later, and at least 1Gb RAM. Submitted November 2006. download (4.4 MB).
TPMH0073 Contains material using UPGEM CGE model of South Africa to simulate effects of charges for agricultural and forestry water use. With ReadMe.Txt and explanatory document. Requires source-code GEMPACK version 9 or later. Submitted November 2006. download (265 KB).
TPMH0072 Contains MacMap.har, a HAR file version of the of the CEPII (David Laborde) trade and protection dataset MAcMap for GTAP6 - based on MAcMapHS6 v1.1. Submitted October 2006. download (5.6 MB).
TPMH0071 Contains ORANI-G model and data files for a 66-sector model of Indonesia, based on 2003 IO and SAM data. A multiple-households version of ORANI-G is used. Submitted September 2006. download (225 KB).
TPGW0070 Contains the World Wine Model, with a 10 region representation of the global wine market. The cmf file includes a stylised projection from 2004 to 2011. Submitted September 2006. download (28 KB).
TPPD0069 Technical appendix for 'A new specification of labour supply in the MONASH model with an illustrative application', Australian Economic Review, March 2003. Submitted March (70 KB).
TPPD0068 Contains notes on a stylized version of household behaviour in the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS). The notes arose from a meeting between researchers from CoPS and the Melbourne Institute in November 2005. The purpose of the meeting was to explore the possibility of linking models developed independently by the two research groups. See also PPPA0066. Submitted March 2006. download (68 KB).
TPMH0067 Example of the generic (non-country specific) version of TERM (as at March 2006), For illustrative purposes, a 25-sector, 31-region China dataset is used. You'll need some sort of GEMPACK licence (eg, executable-image) to actually run the model. This download also includes the full suite of programs and scripts used to generate the China TERM database from a national CGE database (ORANI-G format) that includes the limited regional data needed for a "top-down" regional extension. To replicate the data process, a source code GEMPACK licence is needed. To repeat the process with other input data, please ensure that your input data can be used by this version of ORANI-G. For more details see ReadMe.TXT. Submitted March 2006. download (5.3 MB).
PPPA0066 Powerpoint show by Philip Adams titled "Linking models: Experience from the IMPACT Project and CoPS" presented to a workshop held at the Melbourne Institute in May 2005. Submitted January 2006. download (44 KB).
TPGW0065 This paper contains an application of TERM to the regional grape and wine sectors of Australia. It covers the historical period 1999 to 2004, and projects the model forwards to 2015. Submitted November 2005. download (188 KB).
TPGW0064 This contains a brief summary of the differences between the urban-rural water trading version of TERM and the earlier version downloadable from TPGW0050. Submitted November 2005. download (4 KB).
TPMH0063 Data, TABLO programs, and MsWord files underlying the EMERALD model of Indonesia developed by Daniel Pambudi: a 19-sector, 26 region bottom-up regional CGE model. For more details see ReadMe.TXT. Submitted July 2005. download (1759 KB).
TPMH0062 TABLO program to transform an ORANIG03 database so that the MAKE matrix is diagonal: ie, a commodity x industry table becomes a commodity x commodity table. For more details see ReadMe.TXT. Submitted April 2005. download (114 KB).
EPJB0061 The Centre of Policy Studies has had a past life. This particular document, detailing a first-hand account of England's 1924-25 cricket Ashes tour of Australia, was among a mountain of old papers to be pulped before it was rescued and scanned for posterity. Submitted March 2005. download (285 KB).
TPMH0060 Regional SAM model and data: a simple regional SAM of the state of Paraná, Brazil; and a matching SAM-based GEMPACK model. For more details see ReadMe.TXT and PARANA.DOC. Submitted February 2005. download (24 KB).
TPMH0059 Reports some preliminary experiments on using Lahey Fortran programs (such as the EXEs generated by GEMPACK) to access large amounts of RAM. In particular the "3GB" switch for Win XP Pro is investigated. For more details see ReadMe.TXT and ALLOC.DOC. Submitted November 2004. download (373 KB).
TPMH0058 MsWord document showing how a levels GEMPACK program, ADJUSTER.TAB, can be used to develop programs to rectify imbalances in a CGE database, or to update the database to a more recent year. Contains a series of worked examples to balance or update an ORANI-G database. Requires GEMPACK version 8 or later. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted October 2004. download (215 KB).
TPMH0057 Draft journal paper describing the TERM multiregional model of Australia, which contains (as of Oct 2004), the most detailed description available. Submitted October 2004. download (258 KB).
TPDP0056 Draft of thesis chapter describing construction of Indonesian TERM multiregional CGE database, by Djauhari Pambudi. Submitted September 2004. download (75 KB).
TPSY0055 This archive item reports solution times and RAM requirements from 25 simulations of a multi-regional model (Japanese TERM) differing by numbers of regions and sectors. A series of regressions relate time and RAM to model size. We conclude that, for example, a 10% increase in the number of regions might lead to a 29% increase in solution time. Zip of MsWord DOC. Constructed by Shusaku Yamamoto. Submitted September 2004. download (35 KB).
TPSY0054 This archive contains TABLO programs and data files used to convert the 2000 Japanese IO table to an 104 sector CGE model based on ORANIG03. Constructed by Shusaku Yamamoto. This is a preliminary version only. Requires source code GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.DOC. Submitted July 2004. download (722 KB).
TPPD0053 This paper deals with a problem that arises in dynamic simulations when using twists. Submitted by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer, May 2004. download (23 KB).
TPPD0052 This paper is entitled 'Payroll taxes: thresholds, firm sizes, dead-weight losses and Commonwealth Grants Commission funding'. Submitted by Peter Dixon and Maureen Rimmer, February 2004. download (72 KB).
TPMH0051 This archive contains PDF files documenting the version of the MMRF-Green regional CGE model used for a 2003 CoPS course in Regional CGE Modelling. Also included are sufficient files to compile the model and run simulations (source code version of GEMPACK is needed). See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted by Mark Horridge January 2004. download (629 KB).
TPGW0050 This archive contains all the files necessary to run a water reform scenario in the irrigation version of the TERM regional CGE model. It also includes a paper with detailed documentation of the model. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted GW November 2003. download (1035 KB).
TPMH0049 This archive contains PQINDEX.DOC [or PDF] which compares several methods of computing price and quantity indices, with special reference to the small-change computations used by GEMPACK. Worked examples, using Excel and GEMPACK are included. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted by Mark Horridge October 2003. download (526 KB).
TPMH0048 This archive contains SAMBAL.TAB, a GEMPACK program for balancing square SAMs. See files ReadMe.TXT and SAMBAL.DOC. Submitted November 2003. download (200 KB).
TPMH0047 This archive contains TABLO programs and data files used to convert the 1991 Iran IO table to an 78 sector CGE model based on ORANIG. Requires source code GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted October 2003. download (270 KB).
PPMH0046 No topic is too humble for the CoPS research team, who now bring you this Powerpoint show: "How to open a milk carton". Submitted September 2003. download (1.8 MB).
TPMH0045 This archive contains TABLO programs and data files used to convert the 1995 Japanese IO table to an 86 sector CGE model based on ORANIG. Constructed by Shuji Kasajima. This is a preliminary version only. Requires GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.DOC. Submitted September 2003. download (797 KB). .
TPMH0043 This archive contains TABLO programs, BAT files, and data used to convert SAMs for 7 Southern African countries into the format used by the builders of the GTAP Version 5 data base. Requires GEMPACK. See file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted Mark Horridge April 2003. download (2.5 MB). .
TPMH0041 Material relating to the construction of a small [10-sector] CGE model of New Caledonia [Noumea], based on ORANIG01.Shows the process of constructing an ORANIG database from fairly rudimentary original data. A batch file is included which runs several TABLO programs which turn original USE and MAKE matrices into the ORANIG format. Requires GEMPACK. Submitted Mark Horridge April 2003. download (40 KB). .
EPMH0039 WinORANI: introductory level teaching kit based around MO, the miniature or skeletal version of ORANI described in Chapter 2 of "ORANI: A Multisectoral Model of the Australian Economy", (Dixon, Parmenter, Sutton and Vincent; North-Holland 1982). WinOrani is a non-GEMPACK interactive Windows program which generates numerical solutions for MO. A number of PDF and Word for Windows documents are included for use as teaching handouts. See ReadMe.TXT file. Submitted Mark Horridge Mar 2003, greatly revised May 2015 and August 2017. download (25 MB).
TPDP0038 Materials to recreate a simulation of the effects of the Oct 2002 Bali bombing on Indonesian regions. Uses a bottoms-up, 19-sector, 26 province model and database. With document commenting on simulation results. Prepared by Djauhari Pambudi, submitted Feb 2003. download (2088 KB).
DPMH0037 Describes how the 1996-97 Australian Input-Output Tables, ABS catalogue no. 5209, are converted into "core" data files suitable for use (after further adaptation) by a range of CGE models used at CoPS. Prepared by Mark Horridge. Submitted February 2003. download (47 KB).
TPPD0034 This article develops a labour-market specification for MONASH in which labour supply responds to lagged changes in employment and unemployment. Using the new specification, the authors simulate an award-wage-freeze policy. Submitted September 2002. download (993 KB).
TPMH0033 Albanian input-output tables and Albanian CGE model. Produced by Mark Horridge in July 2002 as part of a GTAP/USAID project. Year 2000, 57 GTAP sectors, measured in Lek. Data for 2000 (HAR) and source code (TAB) files are supplied,so GEMPACK users can regenerate and run all the data construction programs. Includes a single-country CGE model which uses the IO table. See included file ReadMe.TXT. Submitted September 2002. download (993 KB).
TPMH0032 INDOCEEM is a CGE model of the Indonesian economy designed especially for analysing energy-related issues but useful also for analyzing other policy issues. Its equations are similar to the ORANIG01 model, with some fuel-related additions (such as within-fuels and fuel/primary factor substitution). It includes a top-down regional extension, distinguishing 26 provinces. Development of the model was funded by TAMF/AUSAID (Australian foreign aid) for the Center for Energy Information (CEI)/Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta. Data for 2000 (HAR) and source code (TAB) files are supplied, so GEMPACK users can regenerate and run the model. Submitted March 2002. download (669 KB).
EPPA0028 Teaching material for annual CoPS' courses on ORANI-G and MONASH prepared by Philip Adams. February 2002. download (889 KB).
PPPA0027 Collection of short reports and powerpoint presentations prepared by Philip Adams for the annual meetings of the Pacific Economic Co-operation Council's forecasting committee. February 2002. download (832 KB).
EPPA0026 Teaching material for third year course on Computable General Equilibrium modeling prepared by Philip Adams. February 2002. download (487 KB).
TPPA0025 Paper presented to the Australasian Regional Science Association annual conference held in Hobart in 2000. The paper's theme is forecasting using the MMRF-Green model. It provides an overview of MMRF-Green, describes the forecasting methodology, and reviews the latest set of forecasts for Australian states and sub-state regions. February 2002. Authors: Philip Adams, Mark Horridge and Brian Parmenter. download (77 KB).
TPPA0024 Paper presented to the GTAP conference held in Melbourne in 2000. The paper focuses on applied general equilibrium modeling and labour market forecasting at CoPS. February 2002. Authors: Tony Meagher, Philip Adams and Mark Horridge. download (77 KB).
EPPA0022 Teaching notes for MMRF-Green training course. Notes are in the form of a powerpoint presentation and were prepared by Philip Adams. Used so far at two training courses. January 2002. download (237 KB).
TPPA0021 Current draft of book detailing the theory, data and an application of the MMRF-Green model. Author: Philip Adams. Draft started in 2001. January 2002. download (332 KB).
EPPA0020 Teaching notes used by Philip Adams for the Crawford Master Class in CGE modelling conducted in Indonesia in March 2000. download (113 KB).
DPPA0018 In this study we estimate the output and employer multipliers associated with a small-scale regional investment project. By Philip Adams. Model used, Input-output. Project date, 2000. Client, PWC (David Cochrane). January 2002. download (5 KB).
TPPD0015 A new specification of labour supply in the MONASH model with an illustrative application. By Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer, August 2001. Submitted January 2002. download (78 KB).
TPPA0014 The effects on the Australian economy of the tourism downturn caused by the September-11 terrorist attack. Prepared for the Australian Bulletin of Labour. By Philip. D. Adams, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer. Submitted January 2002. download (33 KB).
PPAW0010 "Developing a Cost of Capital Function for a Computable General Equilibrium Model", conference paper and powerpoint presentation prepared by Ashley Winston for the Seventh Annual Doctoral Research Conference, held at the Blythewood Grange, Ballarat, Victoria, December 12-13 2001. Submitted January 2002. download (90 KB).
PPAW0009 "Developing a Cost of Capital Function for a Computable General Equilibrium Model", conference paper and powerpoint presentation prepared by Ashley Winston for the PhD Conference in Economics and Business, University of Western Australia, Perth, November 7-9 2001. Submitted January 2002. download (230 KB).
PPHL0007 "Vintage capital approach applied to GE model of Taiwan", Word document and powerpoint presention by Huey-Lin Lee at Ballarat PhD student conference, November 2001. Submitted January 2002. download (143 KB).
TPPA0004 Report prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office showing the impact of efficiency standards measures in electricity generation. Modelling undertaken with MMRF-Green. Year of report, 2000. Report written by Philip Adams. Submitted January 2002. download (693 KB).
TPPA0002 Report written for Allen Consulting showing the impacts of various greenhouse response measures on the Victorian economy. Modelling undertaken with MMRF-Green. Year of report, 1999/2000. This work was funded by the Victorian government. Report written by Philip Adams. Submitted January 2002. download (53 KB).