Short Names for Data and CMF Files Must Be Different 1. Data Files Must Have Different Short Names The Starting Data files (as shown in the First Year Input Files box on the Model/Data page) can be in any directory on your computer. However, normally the short file names for two different Starting Data files must be different. Example. Your model may have logical files DATA1 and DATA2. In which case the relevant lines in the First Year Input Files box might be File DATA1 = c:\mymodel\dat2006.har ; File DATA2 = c:\mymodel\AggProject\dat2007b.har ; But the two short names dat2006.har and dat2007b.har must be different. For example, RunDynam would not allow you to have File DATA1 = c:\mymodel\dat2006.har ; File DATA2 = c:\mymodel\AggProject\dat2006.har ; even though the two dat2006.har files are in different directories (so are really different files). The reason for requiring different short names is that, when a ZIP Archive is made and then files are restored from it, all the Starting Data files are put in the same directory (namely the DATA subdirectory of the new Working Directory). So, two different file names with the same short names would lead to a problem. Above we said that normally the short file names for two different Starting Data files must be different. The reason for normally is that sometimes the Dynamic Information File indicates that the starting versions for two different logical files must be the same. RunDynam knows this and does not report an error in that case. 2. Data and CMF Files Must Have Different Short Names Any file on the Closure/Shocks page or any file referred to in a file on the Closure/Shocks page must have a different short name from all Starting Data files. Example. If you have referred to a Starting Data file c:\mymodel\dat2006.har you cannot have the line shock x6 = file dat2006.har header ABCD ; in any Base or Policy Shocks file on the Closure/Shocks page. The reason for this is twofold. (i) When a ZIP archive is made, the data file goes into DATA.ZIP and any file referred to in a file on the Closure/Shocks page goes into CMFBITS.ZIP. Then, when files are restored from this ZIP archive, the CMFBITS.ZIP files go into the new Working Directory and the DATA.ZIP files go into the DATA subdirectory. So, even if you originally only had one copy of the offending file (dat2006.har in the example above), you would end up having two copies of it which could be confusing or lead to errors. (ii) When you carry out 2 or 3 concurrent solves, RunDynam puts a copy of all relevant files (including all First Year Data file and all CMFBITS files) into a single subdirectory of the Temporary Working directory. So, even if you originally had two different copies of the offending file, there could only be one in this subdirectory. Again that could lead to confusion or errors. RunDynam checks the two points above at various times, including when you start a simulation running, when you make a ZIP archive, when you ask Where to start?, when you ask Are Results Still Ok? and when you leave the Model/Data and Closure/Shocks pages. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |