Running Two or Three Jobs Concurrently

Some PCs have two or more processors. [Currently, this is only possible on Windows NT, 2000 and XP machines. It is not possible on Windows 95, 98 or ME machines.]

RunDynam checks to see if you have two or more processors.

Suppose that you have two processors. Whenever you carry out several years of two or three multi-year simulations (for example, if you solve all of the Base and Policy), the software will allow two parts (for example, year 3 of the Base and year 2 of the Policy) to run at the same time. This can result in a time saving for the whole job of around 40%.
    For example, suppose that you are carrying out a complete policy simulation over 6 years and that there are no policy shocks in the two years. Then, once the first three years of the Base case are solved, there are usually two different parts of the job which can be run at the same time. For example, year 4 of the Base and year 3 of the Rerun can proceed at the same time (since both just require that year 3 of the base be completed first).

Suppose that you have three or more processors. Then the software will allow three parts (for example, year 3 of the Base and years 2 of the Base Rerun and of the Policy) to be run at the same time. This can results in a time saving for the whole job of over 50%.

The order in which the jobs are carried out is affected by whether or not Complete Base First (under the Run Preferences menu) is selected.

You can turn off (on a two-processor machine) or on (on a single-processor machine) the running of two or three jobs concurrently via menu items Allow 2 Concurrent Solves and Allow 3 Concurrent Solves under the Run Preferences menu.

In some rare circumstances, the concurrent jobs may conflict with each other, causing a crash.

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