Running Two or Three Jobs Concurrently Some PCs have two or more processors. [Currently, this is only possible on Windows NT, 2000 and XP machines. It is not possible on Windows 95, 98 or ME machines.] RunDynam checks to see if you have two or more processors. •Suppose that you have two processors. Whenever you carry out several years of two or three multi-year simulations (for example, if you solve all of the Base and Policy), the software will allow two parts (for example, year 3 of the Base and year 2 of the Policy) to run at the same time. This can result in a time saving for the whole job of around 40%. •Suppose that you have three or more processors. Then the software will allow three parts (for example, year 3 of the Base and years 2 of the Base Rerun and of the Policy) to be run at the same time. This can results in a time saving for the whole job of over 50%. The order in which the jobs are carried out is affected by whether or not Complete Base First (under the Run Preferences menu) is selected. You can turn off (on a two-processor machine) or on (on a single-processor machine) the running of two or three jobs concurrently via menu items Allow 2 Concurrent Solves and Allow 3 Concurrent Solves under the Run Preferences menu. In some rare circumstances, the concurrent jobs may conflict with each other, causing a crash. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |