BACHUROO - An Economic-Demographic Module for Australia pp. 46. (Out of print).
Ashok H. Tulpule and M. K. McIntosh
April 1976
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Regional Variations in Labour Force Participation Rates - Australia, 1971 pp. 67. (Out of print)
Vince Manion
July 1976
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An Analysis of Labour Force Participation Rates in Australia pp. 59. (Out of print)
J. Leaper and R. Silberberg
Sept. 1976
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Estimation and Mapping of the Distribution of Income in Australia for the IMPACT Model pp. 58.
Ashok Tulpule
Nov. 1976
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A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Inter-Occupational Mobility in Australia pp. 86. (Out of print).
J. A. Naphtali, M. K. McIntosh and Lynne S. Williams
Feb. 1978
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Determinants of Australian Migration pp. 94.
Vern Caddy, Brenda Jackson and Alan A. Powell
June 1978
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Fertility, Family Formation and Female Labour Force Participation in Australia, 1922-1974 pp. 86.
R. Filmer and R. Silberberg
Dec. 1977
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Modelling the Role of Government Policy in Post-War Australian Immigration pp. 23. Out of print but also available in The Economic Record, Vol. 55, No. 149, June 1979, pp. 127-135.
Allen C. Kelley and Robert M. Schmidt
Feb. 1978
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Commodity-Specific Subsidies, Demand Patterns and the Incentive to Work pp. 68. Also in Department of Housing and Construction, Housing Economics : Papers Prepared for National Housing Economics Conference 1978 (Canberra : Australian Government Publishing Service, 1980), pp. 296-324.
Alan A. Powell, Ashok Tulpule and Richard J. Filmer
Nov. 1977
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A Two-Stage Approach to the Modelling of Inter-Occupational Mobility in Australia pp. 44. Out of print but a condensed version appears in Australian Economic Papers, Vol. 19, No. 34, June 1980, pp. 147-154.
Lynne S. Williams
March 1978
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Revised Estimates of Labour Supply Elasticities pp. 29.
Ashok Tulpule
April 1980
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Occupational Mobility in Australia : A Quantitative Approach in the European Economic Review, Vol. 20, 1983, pp. 143-166.
Lynne S. Williams
Dec. 1980
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An Econometric Model of Household Headship pp. 64. (Out of print)
P. J. Williams and R. C. Brooks
July 1978
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The Demographic Characteristics of People Who Change Their Occupations : A Preliminary Examination of the Data pp. 50. Also in Australian Bulletin of Labour, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 1981, pp. 139-173.
Lynne S. Williams
April 1979
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Educational Attainment and Occupational Supply : A Theoretical Outline pp. 30.
R. Craigie, D. Parham and G. J. Ryland
Jan. 1979
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A Disaggregated Model of Wage Determination pp. 32.
Vince Manion
Feb. 1979
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An Economic-Demographic Model of Australian Population, Labour Force and Households pp. 97. Dennis Sams and Pamela Williams
Aug. 1983
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The Theory of Labour Supply and Commodity Demand with an Endogenous Marginal Wage Rate pp. 34. Also in Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Vol. 45, No. 3, September 1979, pp. 215-239.
Alan A. Powell
Oct. 1979
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Marriage and Divorce in Australia : A Time Series of Fitted Distributions, 1921/22 to 1975/76 pp. 138.
Pamela Williams
Nov. 1981
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Australian Student Statistics 1966 to 1976 pp. 54.
Rowen Craigie
Jan. 1980
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The IMPACT Population Projection Facility : A Non-Technical Overview pp. 28.
Dennis Sams and Pamela Williams
Aug. 1983
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Estimation of Elasticities of Supply of Labour Hours for Australian Workers Classified by Sex and Marital Status pp. 68.
Ashok Tulpule
Aug. 1980
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Aspects of the Design of BACHUROO, An Economic-Demographic Model of Labour Supply pp. 40. Also in A. C. Kelley, W. G. Sanderson and J. G. Williamson (eds), Modeling Growing Economies in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, Proceedings of an IIASA Meeting, November 1980 (Durham: Duke University Press, 1983), pp. 277-300.
Alan A. Powell
Nov. 1980
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Effects on the Supply of Labour Hours by Employees of Changes in Their Conditions of Employment pp. 57.
Ashok Tulpule
Dec. 1980
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Household Headship in Australia : Further Developments to the IMPACT Project's Econometric Model of Household Headship pp. 118.
Pamela Williams and Dennis Sams
Aug. 1981
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A Comparison between the ABS Population Projection 1980-2001 and a Compatible Projection Using the IMPACT Population Projection Facility pp. 48. (Out of print)
Dennis C. Sams, Lynne S. Williams, Pamela J. Williams and Jim D. Stevenson
July 1981

Household Formation : Implications for Australia's Future pp. 50.
Pamela Williams and Dennis Sams
Feb. 1982
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An Econometric Model of Fertility, Marriage, Divorce and Labour Force Participation for Australian Women, 1921-22 to 1975-76 pp. 105.
Clive Brooks, Dennis Sams and Lynne S. Williams
May 1982
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Some Projections of Australian Population and Labour Force, 1980 to 2001 pp. 63.
Dennis Sams and Pamela Williams
May 1982
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A Framework for Multistate Demoeconomic Modeling and Projection, with an Illustrative Application pp. 59. Also Ch. 8 in A. M. Isserman (ed. ), Population Change and the Economy: Social Science Theories and Models (Dordrecht: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1986), pp. 177-202.
Andrei Rogers and Pamela Williams
Aug. 1982
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Occupational and Industrial Segregation of Female Employment in Australia: A Review pp. 34. Also Ch. 3 in Mavis Hoy (ed. ), Women in the Labour Force: The Proceedings of a Conference, Bureau of Labour Market Research Monograph Series No. 4 (Canberra: AGPS, 1984), pp. 66-92.
Dennis Sams
Sept. 1982

A Wage-Responsive Disaggregation of Labour Supply pp. 68.
Alan A. Powell, Dean J. Parham, Dennis C. Sams, Huynh Cong Hiep and Russell J. Rimmer
April 1984
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Labour Supply and Welfare Participation in Australian Two-Adult Households: Comparing 1986/87 with 1994/95
Guyonne R. Kalb
December 1999 (abstract and download)

Labour Supply and Welfare Participation in Australian Two-Adult Households: Accounting for Involuntary Unemployment and the 'Cost' of Part-time Work
Guyonne R. Kalb
October 2000 (abstract and download)