Spreadsheets Covering All or Some Years This describes the results you see when you click on the Spreadsheet button in the Results for All/Several Years part of the Results page. You can either view a spreadsheet file summarising the whole run, or one giving the differences between the policy and the base case. You first select which of the four you are interested in (base, base rerun, policy or differences). Then (in the Style box), you select the style of spreadsheet (Year-on-year or cumulative). An example will make the difference clear. By default the year-on-year differences spreadsheet file is not created (since many users find it confusing to interpret). You can modify which spreadsheet files are created via the Run Preferences menu. As well as one column for each year of the run, the spreadsheets for the runs (base, base rerun or policy, but not the differences spreadsheets) have extra column(s). Year-on-year spreadsheets have 3 extra columns which show respectively the sum, geometric product and average annual result (change or percent change depending on the type of the variable). Cumulative spreadsheets The last column of the cumulative spreadsheets have 1 extra column which shows the average annual result. Again an example makes this clear. If you ask to look at a spreadsheet of results, the program runs your selected spreadsheet program. [If the software cannot find this, you will be asked where it is located before the results can be shown.] Whenever you ask to look at any of these spreadsheet results, the software checks to see if the file with the appropriate name currently on you hard disk is the same one that was created when you last carried out the run. This check can only be done if you chose to record times and dates of files created during the relevant run. If you have run spreadsheet jobs covering just some years of the whole simulation, you can access the spreadsheet files produced via the Spreadsheet button on the Results page provided you first select option Some from the Which Years group. These spreadsheets only show the results for the variables listed in the Mapping File for Results (see RunDynams Sim Overview page). If you need to look at the results for a variable not currently in this Mapping file, you can add the variable to the Mapping file and then recreate the spreadsheets using the Run SS Jobs for Selected Years under the Tasks menu. Alternatively you should be able to look at the results via the Graph/ViewSOL button since the variables shown by ViewSOL are not limited by this Mapping file. URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_spreadsheets.htm Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |