General Papers C

CHINAGEM: A Monash-Styled Dynamic CGE Model of China
Yinhua Mai, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen Rimmer
June 2010 (abstract and download)

Effects on the U.S. of an H1N1 epidemic: analysis with a quarterly CGE model
Peter B. Dixon , Bumsoo Lee , Todd Muehlenbeck , Maureen T. Rimmer, Adam Z. Rose and George Verikios
June 2010 (abstract and download)

Johansen's contribution to CGE modelling: originator and guiding light for 50 years
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
May 2010 (abstract and download)

The economic costs of US stock mispricing
G. Menzies, R. Bird, P. Dixon and M. Rimmer
July 2010 (abstract and download)

Asset Price Regulators, Unite: you have Macroeconomic Stability to Win and the Microeconomic Losses are Second-order
G. Menzies, R. Bird, P. Dixon and M. Rimmer
July 2010 (abstract and download)

A General Framework for Measuring VAT Compliance Rates
J.A Giesecke and Tran Hoang Nhi
August 2010 (abstract and download)

Structural Change in the Australian Electricity Industry During the 1990s and the Effect on Household Income Distribution
George Verikios and Xiao-guang Zhang
September 2010 (abstract and download)

How fast is population ageing in China?
Yinhua Mai, Xiujian Peng and Wei Chen
November 2009 (abstract and download)

NIAM: National Integrated Assessment Model - Proof-of-concept development and application
Kevin Hanslow
November 2010 (abstract and download)

The regional economic consequences of Less Favoured Area support: a spatial general equilibrium analysis of the Polish LFA program
James Giesecke, Mark Horridge and Katarzyna Zawalinska
November 2010 (abstract and download)

H1N1 influenza in Australia and its macroeconomic effects
George Verikios, James McCaw, Jodie McVernon and Anthony Harris
December 2010 (abstract and download)

The Distributional Effects of the Hilmer Reforms on the Australian Gas Industry
George Verikios and Xiao-guang Zhang
January 2011 (abstract and download)

Solution Software for CGE Modeling
Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson
March 2011 (abstract and download)


Growth and Change in the Vietnamese Labour Market: A decomposition of forecast trends in employment over 2010-2020
J. A. Giesecke, N. H. Tran, G.A. Meagher and F. Pang
April 2011 (abstract and download)

Error Reduction strategies for the 1998-2005 USAGE Forecast
Peter Mavromatis with a contribution from Marnie Griffith
April 2011 (abstract and download)

Ethanol Expansion and Indirect Land Use Change in Brazil
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho and Mark Horridge
June 2011 (abstract and download)

The TERM model and its data base
Mark Horridge
July 2011 (abstract and download)

Doubling U.S. Exports under the President's National Export Initiative: Is it realistic? Is it desirable?
Peter B. Dixon and Marueen T. Rimmer
April 2011 (abstract and download)

Labour Market Reform, Rural Migration and Income Inequality in China - A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
Yinhua Mai and Xiujian Peng
August 2011 (abstract and download)

Water trading, buybacks and drought in the Murray-Darling basin: lessons from economic modelling
Glyn Wittwer and Peter Dixon
September 2011 (abstract and download)

MMRF: Monash Multi-Regional Forecasting Model: A Dynamic Multi-Regional Model of the Australian Economy
Philip Adams, Janine Dixon, James Giesecke and Mark Horridge
December 2010 (abstract and download)

The Global Economic Effects of Pandemic Influenza
George Verikios, Maura Sullivan, Pane Stojanovski, James Giesecke and Gordon Woo
October 2011 (abstract and download)

Labour Market Forecasting, Reliability and Workforce Development
G.A.Meagher and Felicity Pang
September 2011 (abstract and download)

Construction and updating of a Ugandan CGE database
Louise Roos, Philip Adams and Jan van Heerden
March 2012 (abstract and download)

PHILGEM: A SAM-based computable general equilibrium model of the Philippines
Erwin Corong and Mark Horridge
April 2012 (abstract and download)

Upgrading irrigation infrastructure in the Murray Darling Basin: is it worth it?
Glyn Wittwer and Janine Dixon
June 2012 (abstract and download)

Endogenous land use and supply, and food security in Brazil
Joaquim Ferreira-Filho and Mark Horridge
July 2012 (abstract and download)

Microeconomic Reform and Income Distribution: The case of Australian Ports and Rail Freight Industries
George Verikios and Xiao-guang Zhang
July 2012 (abstract and download)

The Impact of Changes in Health Status: An Economywide Analysis for Australia
George Verikios, Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Anthony H. Harris
February 2013 (abstract and download)

Accelerated water savings and demand growth for farm outputs: impacts on the economy of the southern Murray-Darling Basin
Glyn Wittwer
April 2013 (abstract and download)

Modelling the impact of HIV/AIDS: A literature review
Louise Roos
May 2013 (abstract and download)

Construction of a database for a dynamic CGE model for South Africa
Louise Roos
May 2013 (abstract and download)

Labour-market database for South Africa with HIV/AIDS detail
Louise Roos
May 2013 (abstract and download)

Developing a baseline forecast for a South African dynamic CGE model (SAGE-H) with HIV/AIDS detail
Louise Roos
May 2013 (abstract and download)

Population Ageing, Retirement Age Extension and Economic Growth in China: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
Xiujian Peng and Yinhua Mai
August 2013 (abstract and download)

DIAC-TERM: A Multi-regional Model of the Australian Economy With Migration Detail
Nhi Tran, Louise Roos and James Giesecke
July 2012 (abstract and download)

Reform of Australian Urban Transport: A CGE-Microsimulation Analysis of the Effects on Income Distribution
George Verikios and Xiao-guang Zhang
December 2013 (abstract and download)

Structural change and income distribution: the case of Australian telecommunications
George Verikios and Xiao-guang Zhang
February 2014 (abstract and download)

Theoretical specification of a labour-supply module, including HIV/AIDS, for South Africa
Louise Roos
February 2014 (abstract and download)

Adding financial flows to a CGE model of PNG
Peter Dixon, Maureen Rimmer and Louise Roos
February 2014 (abstract and download)

An Emissions Trading Scheme for Australia: National and Regional Impacts
Philip Adams, Brian Parmenter and George Verikios
May 2014 (abstract and download)

The Effects of Domestic Rice Market Interventions Outside Business-As-Usual Conditions For Imported Rice Prices
M.J. Mariano, J.A. Giesecke and N.H. Tran
June 2014 (abstract and download)

Quantifying "Dog Days"
J.M. Dixon, P.B. Dixon, J.A. Giesecke and M.T. Rimmer
July 2014 (abstract and download)

Climate change mitigation and employment growth
G.A.Meagher, R.A.Wilson and J.M. Dixon
September 2014 (abstract and download)

Climate Change Mitigation, Economic Growth and the Distribution of Income
G.A. Meagher, P.D. Adams and Felicity Pang
September 2014 (abstract and download)

Interfacing a CGE Labour Market Model with the E3ME Multi-Sector Macroeconomic Model
G.A. Meagher, Felicity Pang and R.A. Wilson
September 2014 (abstract and download)

Emerging Structural Pressures in European Labour Markets
G.A. Meagher, R.A.Wilson and E.Yerushalmi
September 2014 (abstract and download)

The Impact of LNG Export Expansion in Queensland, with special emphasis on the effects of increased gas prices
Philip D. Adams
November 2014 (abstract and download)

The implications for trade and FDI flows from liberalisation of China's capital account
George Verikios
January 2015 (abstract and download)

Alternative Approaches to Fee Flexibility: Towards a Third Way in Higher Education Reform in Australia
P. J. Dawkins and J.M. Dixon
March 2015 (abstract and download)

Superannuation within a financial CGE model of the Australian economy
Peter B. Dixon, James. A. Giesecke, Maureen T. Rimmer
July 2015 (abstract and download)

The Victoria University Regional Model (VURM): Technical Documentation, Version 1.0
Philip Adams, Janine Dixon and Mark Horridge
July 2015 (abstract and download)

A Computable General Equilibrium Model of International Sanctions
M. Reza Gharibnavaz and Robert Waschik
September 2015 (abstract and download)

The Macroeconomic and Sectoral Effects of Terrorism in the U.S.: A Reconciliation of CGE and Econometric Approaches
J. Nassios and J.A. Giesecke
October 2015 (abstract and download)

The Labour Module in a dynamic, regional CGE model
Glyn Wittwer and Janine Dixon
November 2015 (abstract and download)

From Almond Shaming to Water Trading: CGE Insights into Managing California's Drought
Glyn Wittwer
December 2015 (abstract and download)

The Europe 2020 Strategy and Skill Mismatch
G.A. Meagher, R.A. Wilson and Hector Pollitt
December 2015 (abstract and download)

Modelling the Impacts of a Cut to Company Tax in Australia
J.M. Dixon and J. Nassios
April 2016 (abstract and download)

The Economy-wide Impact of a Rise in Commercial Bank Capital Adequacy Ratios
James A. Giesecke, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
May 2016 (abstract and download)

Climate change impacts on agriculture and internal migrations in Brazil
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho and Mark Horridge
July 2016 (abstract and download)

Comparing the Impacts of Financial Regulation in Australia and the United States via Simulation with Country-specific Financial CGE Models
J. Nassios, James A. Giesecke, Maureen T. Rimmer, Peter B. Dixon
August 2016 (abstract and download)

CoPS-style CGE modelling and analysis
Esmedekh Lkhanaajav
November 2016 (abstract and download)

A CGE model for India with an application on the effects of eliminating agricultural subsidies
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer, Rajesh Chadha, Devender Pratap and Anjali Tandon
November 2016 (abstract and download)

A modelling framework for analysing the role of superannuation in Australia's financial system
Jason Nassios, James A. Giesecke, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
November 2016 (abstract and download)

Superannuation and Macroeconomic Growth and Stability
Jason Nassios, James A. Giesecke, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
November 2016 (abstract and download)

Planning R&D in a Post Centrally-Planned Economy: Assessing the Macroeconomic Effects in Poland
Katarzyna Zawalińska, Nhi Tran and Adam Płoszaj
December 2016 (abstract and download)

Updating USAGE: Baseline and Illustrative Application
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Robert G. Waschik
February 2017 (abstract and download)

Determining agent-specific rates of return in a Financial CGE model of Australia
Jason N. Harris, Jason Nassios and James A. Giesecke
April 2017 (abstract and download)

Macro, industry and regional effects of eliminating Buy America(n) programs: USAGE simulations
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Robert G. Waschik
April 2017 (abstract and download)

University location and city development: the effects of Victoria University on the Western Melbourne economy
John R. Madden
April 2017 (abstract and download)

An Application of the Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling Framework to Guatemala's Forest and Fuelwood Sector
Onil Banerjee, Martin Cicowiez, Renato Vargas and Mark Horridge
May 2017 (abstract and download)

Biome composition in deforestation deterrence and GHG emissions in Brazil
Joaquim Bento de Souza Ferreira Filho and Mark Horridge
July 2017 (abstract and download)

The relevance of inter-regional trade data produced by the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey for multi-regional CGE modelling
Glyn Wittwer
August 2017 (abstract and download)

Indonesia's moratorium on palm oil expansion from natural forest: Economy-wide impact and the role of international transfers
A.A. Yusuf, E.L. Roos and J.M. Horridge
September 2017 (abstract and download)

Victoria University Employment Forecasts: 2017 edition
Janine Dixon
October 2017 (abstract and download)

The National and Regional Consequences of Australia's Goods and Services Tax
J.A. Giesecke and N.H. Tran
October 2017 (abstract and download)

A decomposition and microsimulation analysis of occupational wage growth in Australia, 2010-2017
Janine Dixon and N.H. Tran
December 2017 (abstract and download)

Using a regional CGE model for rapid assessments of the economic implications of terrorism events: creating GRAD-ECAT (Generalized, Regional And Dynamic Economic Consequence Analysis Tool)
Peter B. Dixon, Michael Jerie, Maureen T. Rimmer and Glyn Wittwer
April 2017 (abstract and download)

Global Supply Chains: towards a CGE analysis
Prema-chandra Athukorala, Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
December 2017 (abstract and download)

The Effectiveness of Investment Stimulus Policies in Australia
J.M. Dixon and J. Nassios
April 2018(abstract and download)

Creating a labor-market module for USAGE-TERM: illustrative application, theory and data
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
June 2018 (abstract and download)

Melitz in GTAP Made Easy: The A2M Conversion Method and Result Interpretation
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
July 2018 (abstract and download)

The Economic Effects on Regional Australia of RUN-member Universities
Robert Waschik, Jonathan Chew, John Madden, Joshua Sidgwick and Glyn Wittwer
August 2018 (abstract and download)

A Dynamic Economy-wide Analysis of Company Tax Cuts in Australia
Janine M. Dixon and Jason Nassios
December 2018 (abstract and download)

Construction of the database for OMAGE (Oman Applied General Equilibrium) model
Nhi Tran, Philip Adams and James Giesecke
September 2014 (abstract and download)

The economic impact and efficiency of state and federal taxes in Australia
Jason Nassios, John Madden, James Giesecke, Janine Dixon, Nhi Tran, Peter Dixon, Maureen Rimmer, Philip Adams and John Freebairn
April 2019 (abstract and download)

GTAP-MVH, A Model for Analysing the Worldwide Effects of Trade Policies in the Motor Vehicle Sector: Theory and Data
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen Rimmer and Nhi Tran
April 2019 (abstract and download)

Creating a Disaggregated CGE Model for Trade Policy Analysis: GTAP-MVH
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen Rimmer and Nhi Tran
April 2019 (abstract and download)

Integrating a Global Supply Chain Model With a Computable General Equilibrium Model
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen Rimmer
May 2019 (abstract and download)

The Economy-Wide Impact of Subsidy Reform: A CGE Analysis
Louise Roos and Philip Adams
May 2019 (abstract and download)

Modelling the Consequences of the U.S.-China Trade War and Related Trade Frictions for the U.S., Chinese, Australian and Global Economies
J.A. Giesecke, R. Waschik and N.H. Tran
July 2019 (abstract and download)

Distinguishing Between Policy, Drought and International Events in the Context of the Murray Darling Basin Plan
Glyn Wittwer and Michael D Young
March 2020 (abstract and download)

Developing a DSGE Consumption Function for a CGE Model
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen Rimmer
January 2020 (abstract and download)

Estimating the Regional Economic Impacts of the 2017 to 2019 Drought on NSW and the Rest of Australia
Glyn Wittwer
March 2020 (abstract and download)

Provincial Equitable Share Allocations in South Africa
E.L. Roos
March 2020 (abstract and download)

The 2019-20 Australian Economic Crisis Induced by Bushfires and COVID-19 from the Perspective of Grape and Wine Sectors
Glyn Wittwer
March 2020 (abstract and download)

Econometric Foundations of the Great Ratios of Economics
Don Harding
March 2020 (abstract and download)

Fiscal Reform -- Aid or Hindrance: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis for Saudi Arabia
Elizabeth L. Roos and Philip D. Adams
May 2019 (abstract and download)

Constructing a 2016/17 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uganda
Nhi Tran, Elizabeth L. Roos, Wilson Asiimwe and Pricilla Kisakye
August 2019 (abstract and download)

Population Ageing and the Impact of Later Retirement on the Pension System in China: An Applied Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
Xuejin Zuo, Xiujian Peng, Xin Yang, Philip Adams and Meifeng Wang
April 2020 (abstract and download)

The Economic Characteristics of an Ageing Society: A Study Based on a General Equilibrium Model
Xuejin Zuo, Xin Yang, Xiaoping Yang, Han Yue, Meifeng Wang, Xiujian Peng and Philip Adams
April 2020 (abstract and download)

More working from home will change the shape and size of cities
James Lennox
August 2020 (abstract and download)

Economic Implications of Global Energy Interconnection
Feng Shenghao, Philip Adams, Zhang Keyu, Peng Xiujian and Yang Jun
September 2020 (abstract and download)

The Effects on the Indian Economy of an Expansion in Financial Capital Supply
J.A. Giesecke, P.B. Dixon, M.T. Rimmer, N.H. Tran and D. Pratap
March 2020 (abstract and download)

The Effects of Financial Decoupling of the U.S. and China: Simulations with a Global Financial CGE Model
P.B. Dixon, J.A. Giesecke, J. Nassios, and M.T. Rimmer
October 2020 (abstract and download)

Should Australia be Concerned by Beijing's Trade Threats: Modelling the Economic Costs of Restrictions on Imports of Australian Coal
J.A. Giesecke, N.H. Tran and R. Waschik
September 2020 (abstract and download)

Computable general equilibrium simulations of the effects on the U.S. economy of reductions in beef consumption
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Daniel Mason-D'Croz
December 2020 (abstract and download)

Modelling the economy-wide marginal impacts due to climate change in Australian agriculture
Glyn Wittwer
February 2021 (abstract and download)

The Network of US Airports and its Effects on Employment
Nicholas Sheard
December 2020 (abstract and download)

Who will pay for improved health standards in U.S. meat-processing plants? Simulation results from the USAGE model
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
March 2021 (abstract and download)

Coping with seasonality in a quarterly CGE model: COVID-19 and U.S. agriculture
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
January 2021 (abstract and download)

Assessing the Economy-wide Impacts of Strengthened Bank Capital Requirements in Indonesia using a Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model
Arief Rasyid, Jason Nassios, Elizabeth L Roos and James Giesecke
May 2021 (abstract and download)

Effect of Gas Subsidies In Indonesia
Mark Horridge and Elizabeth L. Roos
August 2021 (abstract and download)

Energy and Economic Implications of Carbon Neutrality in China -- A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis
Shenghao Feng, Xiujian Peng and Philip Adams
August 2021 (abstract and download)

Expanding Global Bev to enhance analysis of trade policy, COVID impacts and other wine industry issues
Glyn Wittwer
September 2021 (abstract and download)

Estimating the Economic Impact of Large Hydropower Projects: A Dynamic Multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
Hongzhen Ni, Jing Zhao, Xiujian Peng, Glyn Wittwer and Genfa Chena
September 2021 (abstract and download)

Modeling the economic effects of increased drop-out rates from high school
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Scott Farrow
September 2021 (abstract and download)

The Economic Implications for Australia of Carbon Tariffs
Philip Adams
October 2021 (abstract and download)

Elasticity of Substitution Between Electricity and Non-Electric Energy in the Context of Carbon Neutrality in China
Shenghao Feng, Keyu Zhang and Xiujian Peng
October 2021 (abstract and download)

Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050: What it means for the Australian Economy, Industries and Regions
Philip Adams
November 2021 (abstract and download)

Using CRETH to make quantities add up without efficiency bias
Mark Horridge
December 2021 (abstract and download)

Evaluating the impact of automation in long-haul trucking using USAGE-Hwy
Catherine Taylor and Robert Waschik
April 2022 (abstract and download)

The Railway Gauge Muddle in Australia
Nicholas Sheard
April 2022 (abstract and download)

Creating USAGE-OCC: a CGE model of the U.S. with a disaggregated occupational dimension
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
May 2022 (abstract and download)

Property Tax Reform: Implications for Housing Prices and Economic Productivity
Jason Nassios and James Giesecke
June 2022 (abstract and download)

H. David Evans, 1941-2022: Progenitor of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling in Australia
Peter B. Dixon
July 2022 (abstract and download)

Forecasting labour shortages in the Australian economy
Janine Dixon
August 2022 (abstract and download)

Introducing the effects of foreign direct investment into the GTAP-GAC model
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
August 2022 (abstract and download)

Preparing a multi-country, sub-national CGE model: EuroTERM including Ukraine
Glyn Wittwer
August 2022 (abstract and download)

Spatial economic dynamics and transport project appraisal
James Lennox
August 2022 (abstract and download)

Oil Supply Shocks and Tax Policy Responses in Australia: Insights from a Dynamic CGE Framework
Xianglong Liu, Jason Nassios and James Giesecke
September 2022 (abstract and download)

Inefficient at Any Level: A Comparative Efficiency Argument for Complete Elimination of Property Transfer Duties and Insurance Taxes
Jason Nassios and James Giesecke
October 2022 (abstract and download)

The economic impacts of a hypothetical foot and mouth disease outbreak in Australia
Glyn Wittwer
December 2022 (abstract and download)

Economic impacts of low-carbon transport strategies for Jordan
Philip Adams and Louise Roos
April 2023 (abstract and download)

What do GTAP databases tell us about technologies for industries and regions?
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
June 2023 (abstract and download)

The economic effects of an international student levy
Xianglong Locky Liu, James Giesecke and Jason Nassios
August 2023 (abstract and download)

Trade Facilitation in APEC-exCRU
Robert Waschik, James Giesecke and Craig Emerson
November 2023 (abstract and download)

The Economic Effects of an International Student Levy Under Alternative Price Elasticity Assumptions
Xianglong Locky Liu, James Giesecke and Jason Nassios
December 2023 (abstract and download)

An impossible triangle? The impact of housing policy on affordability, accessibility, and efficiency
Jason Nassios, James Giesecke and Xianglong Locky Liu
January 2024 (abstract and download)

Creating a GTAP Baseline for 2014 to 2050 With Special Reference to Canada
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
February 2024 (abstract and download)

Preparation of 2019 USAGE-TERM and Application of a Dynamic Version to a Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak scenario
Glyn Wittwer
May 2024 (abstract and download)

Small group monopolistic competition in a GTAP model: meeting the Markusen challenge
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer
July 2024 (abstract and download)

Neural-Network approximation of reduced forms for CGE models explained by elementary examples
Peter B. Dixon, Maureen T. Rimmer and Florian Schiffmann
November 2024 (abstract and download)

Constructing a Destructive Events Tool using Small Rectangular Areas, Computable General Equilibrium Modelling and Neural Networks
Peter Dixon, Michael Jerie, Dean Mustakinov, Maureen T. Rimmer, Nicholas Sheard, Florian Schiffmann and Glyn Wittwer
December 2024 (abstract and download)