CoPS/IMPACT Working Paper Number G-350

Title: GlobeTERM, combining multi-country and sub-national detail

Author: Glyn Wittwer


This paper describes a method of combining national GTAP regions with sub-national detail. The approach extends the sub-national TERM methodology to create a family of models named GlobeTERM. In each model, the master database includes 74 sectors, based on GTAP with electricity split into 9 generation sectors plus a distribution sector. The other 64 sectors are those in on GTAP version 11c. In most examples, one country within GTAP is split into sub-national regions, while retaining the other 159 GTAP regions in the master database. Examples include China, Germany, UK and USA. Another version represents Europe's regions at the NUTS-2 level.

Using the US version of GlobeTERM, an illustrative simulation examines the impacts of the imposition of large bilateral tariffs between USA and China. The aggregation for this scenario depicts swing states separately. While almost all US regions lose in the short run from the imposition of high bilateral tariffs, there are winning and losing states in the long run.

JEL classification: R15, C68, D58, B17

Keywords: Computable general equilibrium; regional economics, tariffs.

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