CoPS/IMPACT Working Paper Number G-346

Title: Preparation of 2019 USAGE-TERM and Application of a Dynamic Version to a Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak scenario

Author: Glyn Wittwer


The USAGE-TERM database has been updated to 2019. The tasks commences with a dated national CGE database. BEA's supply-use matrices for 2017 provide updates to industry technologies. National accounts data at the national and state level for 2019 provide broad sector targets for updates and regional industry activity shares. International trade data by port for 2019 are used to update international merchandise trade in the database.

As in previous USAGE-TERM databases, agricultural census data provides estimates of regional outputs for disaggregated crops and livestock. International data on the location and type of generation of power stations enable a split of electricity into different types of generation.

An innovation in this version of USAGE-TERM is a split of a subset of national commodities. The split distinguishes commodities reliant on water transport in the Mississippi Valley and Snake-Columbia river systems from the same commodities reliant on land transport elsewhere.

JEL classification: C68, D57, D58, R15

Keywords: Regional CGE modelling

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