Set Commands

"Sets" are the lists of names (elements) that ViewHAR uses for matrix row and column labels. For example the set IND might have the following attributes:

· name:


· description:


· size:


· elements:

Agriculture, Manufacture, Services

Sets can be stored in string (1C) headers or as part of real (RE) matrices.

During each session, ViewHAR accumulates a library of all the sets that it has read in so far, either from the current file or from previously open files. The Import from File command can also extract sets from other files. See How the Set Library is built.

You can view the library contents using the Sets..View Set Library menu command. The left-hand list show the sets in the library and their sizes. Sets drawn from the current file are shown first, with the headers (either 1C or RE) from which they are drawn. Sets drawn from previously open files appear second.

Select any set to see a list of its elements, and which other sets it contains (subsets) or is contained by (supersets). ViewHAR infers subset relations by looking at set elements -- unlike TABLO which needs to be told.

The main use of the Set Library is when you are constructing a HAR data file which will be used by a TABLO-generated program. The View Set Library window contains 4 action buttons:

The Edit Set button allows you to change the elements of a set (but not its size).

The Create Header from Set button adds a string [1C] header to the file corresponding to the currently selected set.

The Apply Set Labels to UnLabelled Dimensions button allows you to rapidly attach the currently selected set to any unlabelled dimensions of real matrices which are the right size.

The Copy button copies the elements of the currently selected set to the clipboard. Two formats are offered: (a) a simple list of elements, suitable for a spreadsheet column; or (b) a set declaration which you could paste into a TABLO file.

One important use for the Set Library is when you want to Add or Change Set Labels to a matrix.

Each real matrix has its own copies of the sets used for row and column labels -- occasionally these copies may be be mutually inconsistent. This could cause confusion: fix the problem with the Check/Make RE Set Labels consistent command.

You can save the library contents with the Save Set Library to file menu command.

See also


Create Headers from Sets

Save Sets

Create New Set

Rename Set

How the Set Library is built

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