Create New Set

The Edit..Create New Set dialog allows you to add a new header specifying a set.

For the new set you fill in

the name -- max 12 letters or digits,

the 4-character header,

the number of elements

a list of element names (max 12 letters or digits). Type or paste these into the memo at right -- which you can edit. Or use the automatic elements button to generate element names.

a description, which will be used as the second part of the long name of the header used to store the set.

Use the Check button to make sure you have specified all these correctly. Then use the OK button to create the set.

The new set will also be added (if possible) to the set library.

See also:

Sets Overview

How the Set Library is built

Rebuild Set Library

Check/Make RE Set Labels consistent

Save Set Library to file

Create Header from Set

Sets with unknown elements

Automatic set elements

Rename Set

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