Add or Modify Set Labels Use the Edit..Apply/Change Set Labels menu command to add or modify set labelling information for real matrices. Edit one dimension at a time. You will be offered a list of all sets in the Set Library of the appropriate size. Or, choose "No Set" to remove set labelling information. The easiest way to fill the set library with a useful selection of sets is to use the Import..from HAR file menu command to import set details from a HAR file containing a number of labelled real matrices. You can also write sets to Header Array files using a TABLO program or using MODHAR. The sets will be stored as arrays of strings. The name of each set is stored in a special way. A special case Imagine a matrix A dimensioned COM*SRC*IND (23*2*22). GEMPACK allows you to file B, a slice or submatrix of A, dimensioned COM*"dom"*IND (23*1*22), where "dom" is one element of SRC. ViewHAR does not allow you to modify or change the set labelling information for the middle (dom) dimension. Sorry ! See also URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |