Creating a New Header If you are in editing mode, you can use theThe Edit..Create New Header command to create a new data item with specified: •type: real, integer or string; •dimensions; •header; •long name (ie, description); and •for real type only: initial value and coefficient name. After creating the header, you would typically use the Import..Paste command to bring in values from Excel. Real type (RE) For reals you must specify the number of dimensions (0 for a scalar, 1 for a vector, from 2 to 7 for matrices) and, for each dimension, either: •the size of that dimension, •or preferably, the set over which that dimension runs. For dimensions, you can choose from any set in the Set Library (ie, any set that ViewHAR knows about), so a sensible strategy would be to first create all necessary sets using the Sets..Create New Set command, then create the real array. If you specify the dimensions by size only, you can still attach set labels later, using either the command Edit..Apply/Change Set Labels or as part of viewing the Set Library. To create a scalar, enter 0 in the "number of dimensions" box. You can specify the initial value of matrix elements. Each element of the new real array is set to the chosen value. You can modify the data later using the Import..Paste command, or by right-clicking. Also set the Coefficient Name (12 letters) ... probably the same name as the corresponding coefficient in the TABLO program which will read your data. String type (1C) Most string data items are either sets or mapping. In these cases, two more specialized commands work better: •for sets, instead use the Sets..Create New Set command; •for mappings, instead use the Aggregation..Create Mapping command. For strings you must specify the number, and the maximum length (usually 12). Initially the strings will be set to '?'. Modify them later using the Import..Paste command, or by right-clicking. Integer type (2I) Integers are stored as 2-dimensional matrices. For a vector, specify 5x1 or 1x5 -- it does not matter which. For a scalar, specify 1x1. When GEMPACK stores integer arrays in a HAR file, it does not store coefficient names or set labelling information for dimensions. For this reason, you may consider instead using a real array -- which is more pleasant to view. Initially all integers will be set to 0. Modify values later using the Import..Paste command, or by right-clicking. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |