Run Buttons

The buttons Run Base, Run Policy and Run All are always visible near the bottom of the screen. The Rerun Base button is visible if option Do Rerun Base Case with policy closures (see the Run Preferences menu) is selected.

If you click on any one of these buttons, the software carries out the relevant task(s). Clicking on the Run All button is the same as selecting menu item Run Base, Rerun and Policy (or Run Base and Policy if you are not rerunning the Base with the Policy closures) under the Tasks menu.

If you clicked on Run Base, you may be asked if you want to run the job.

If you clicked on either of the other two buttons, you may be asked if you want to check that the relevant files from the previous run are still up-to-date. For example, when you run the policy simulations, the software must gather results from the relevant years of the previous run (base or base rerun), and it is important that the files containing these results have not been inadvertently altered since the previous run. It is a good idea to ask for this check to be carried out. The software compares time and date of the relevant files against that stored at the time the previous run was carried out.

When you indicate that you want to start any of these three runs, you are asked if you want to record time and date of files created during the run. The times and dates are stored on Simulation Details files. It is a good idea to record these times and dates since then the software can check

whether or not the results of the run are still up-to-date for any subsequent runs (see above), and

whether results you view (on the Results page) are up-to-date.

When one of these runs starts, a Please wait box appears in the middle of the screen.

For each year of the run, the model is solved taking all its inputs from a GEMPACK Command file which is built up by the software from the files in the relevant columns on the Closure/Shock page. Users can add their own statements (for example, to specify program options) to the Command files used for a particular run.

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