CMFSTART Files for Common Statements in CMF files If you wish to include one or more Command file statements in every Command file created, you can include a text file called a CMFSTART file in the Working Directory for your model. For example, •You may wish to include extra sets and subsets (not in the TABLO Input file for the model) with xset and xsubset statements. For example, you may want to include the statements xset AGCOM # Agricultural commodities # (sheep, wheat, grains) ; xsubset AGCOM is subset of COM ; if your policy involves changes to these three agricultural commodities. Putting these statements into CMFSTART will make the set AGCOM available in all years of all runs (Base, Rerun and Policy). •You may also wish to include xwrite or xdisplay statements so that you can see the values of various coefficients. •you can include subtotals statements in your CMFSTART file. •you may wish to include the statement: start with MMNZ = 900000 ; to set the initial memory allocation for nonzeros in Fortran 90 TABLO-generated programs. If so, you can put this statement into your CMFSTART file. You can also have CMFSTART files which are specific to the different runs. The CMFSTART files applying in each run are shown in the CMFSTART row on the Closure/Shocks page. The following key words are NOT allowed in CMFSTART files: exogenous, endogenous, rest, swap, use, modify, take, shock, final_level, change, percent_change, ashock, tshock, TFinal_Level, AChange, TChange, APercent_Change, TPercent_Change Those on the first line above relate to closures -- all such statements should be in the relevant Closure files. Those on the second line above relate to shocks -- all such statements should be in the relevant Shocks files. Prior to Version 3.15 (November 2006), these files had to have special names, and certain conventions applied. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |