Preparing a Model for Use with this software

This section is for experienced users. If you are using RunDynam for the first time, see Getting Started.

If you are preparing a model to ship to other users, we recommend the use of a Zip Archive containing all the files for one base case and one policy run.

If you have Release 6.0 (or later) of GEMPACK, you need to produce either an executable image of the TABLO-generated program for the model or GEMSIM Auxiliary files for the model.

If you used TABLO from Release 8 or earlier of GEMPACK, you need to put the Model Information (MIN) file produced when TABLO runs in the same directory as the model EXE or GEMSIM Auxiliary files.

But, if you used TABLO from Release 9 or later of GEMPACK, you do not need to make the Model Information file available to RunDynam.

If you prepare GEMSIM Auxiliary files for someone else to use, they can only be used by someone who has the same Release of GEMPACK as you have. For example, GEMSIM.EXE from Release 7.0 cannot run using GEMSIM Auxiliary files produced using Release 6.0 of GEMPACK.

If you condense your model, how you run TABLO will affect whether or not the Stored-input file you use is accessible to this software.

For complicated models you need a Dynamic Information file, (usual suffix .DIN).

If you change any of the model files [that is, any of the TABLO-generated EXE, the Auxiliary files, the DIN file or the MIN file (if needed -- see above)], you should re-load the model using the Change Model button on the Model/Data page.

You need to prepare Closure files, possibly one for each year of the base case and one for each year of the policy (though the same file can be used for more than one year). A Closure file is that part of a Command file which specifies the exogenous and endogenous variables for one closure of the model. The usual suffix is .CLS.

You also need to prepare shock files one for each year of the base case, (usual suffix .BSH) and additional shocks to be added to the base case shocks for the policy runs, (usual suffix .PSH).

See also Files Needed for a Base case/Policy Job.

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