Files Needed for a Base Case/Policy Job

The files needed for a complete job are (the usual suffix of the file is given in brackets)

Model files

either the executable image of the TABLO-generated program (EXE) and associated Auxiliary files (AXS and AXT files) or the GEMSIM Auxiliary files (GSS and GST files),

the Model Information (MIN) file produced when TABLO runs,

the Dynamic Information file (DIN) for models with complicated file structures.

the TABLO Input file for the model (TAB),

All of these files should have the same root name, which will be taken by RunDynam as the model name. All of these files should be in the same directory (which can be anywhere on your hard disk). There are a few restrictions on the TABLO Input files which can be used in conjunction with RunDynam.

Input Files for First Year of Forecast

RunDynam also needs access to one group of input data files for your model. These files do not have to be in the same directory as the files above.

Closure/Shock files

In the working directory you need

one Closure (CLS) file for each year of the base case

one Base Shock file for each year of the base case (BSH)

one Policy Shock file for relevant years of the policy (PSH)

a Spreadsheet mapping file to select which results you wish to look at

any other files used in the Command files, for example, GEMPACK shock files

a file called CMFSTART. containing any statements in all the Command files (optional).

Once you have run a complete base case/policy job, an easy way to see what files are needed is to write a report file.

See also Software Requirements.

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