Adding Extra Files to a ZIP Archive When you make a ZIP archive, the software always puts various files into the archive. You can also add extra files (which would not otherwise be added to the archive). For example, you may want to preserve copies of some Command files (perhaps setting up alternative closures) or of some preliminary data files. When you save a Zip Archive, you will be asked if you wish to add any extra files to it. If so, a new form will appear. You can specify files to be added into EXTRA.ZIP by clicking on the Add button on that form. When you click on the Add button, a file open dialog box appears. You can select multiple files by holding down the Control key. You can delete any file by clicking on it and then clicking the Delete button. Click on the Finish button when you have specified all the extra files you want added (or click on the Cancel button if you change your mind about adding extra files). The extra files you specify go into EXTRA.ZIP which is included in the ZIP archive. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |