Saving Data to file If you are in editing mode, ViewHAR offers three main ways to save data to file: A: The File..Save command saves the current file as a Header Array file, with the same name. The previous version of the file is renamed. B: The File..Save As command allows you to save either the whole file, or just the currently selected header in one of 5 formats: •as a Header Array file. •as a GEMPACK text file •as an Excel file. •as a GDX (GAMS) file. •as a Database text or SQL file. C: The Export..Save Screen as CSV File command saves the screen (either Contents or Data) as a CSV file. You cannot save the whole of 3-D or higher dimensional matrices this way, only slices or subtotals. A CSV file can be opened by a spreadsheet program or by a text editor. See also Exporting Data to a Spreadsheet Program Note: If you save the whole file as a header array file with a new name, the name of the file open in ViewHAR changes too, and the file-modified flag is cleared. But if you save just the currently selected header, or save in a non-HAR format, the name of the open file and the file-modified flag stay the same. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |