Edit Menu Subcommands of the Edit item allow you to: •Undo previous actions, or Redo (= Undo Undo) them. •Cut, Copy, Paste and Select All. Several commands apply to selected text (and will be greyed out if no text is selected): •Re-arrange (re-wrap) selected text between margins. •Change selected text to upper or lower case or to CamelCaps. •Comment or un-comment selected blocks of text. •Remove duplicate lines from selected text. •Sort selected text according to various criteria. Additionally •Properties dialog lets you customize TABmate in various ways. Use Restore Default Properties to restore the original settings. •All Bold: TABmate has proved useful for presentation work with an overhead projector. Sometimes, however, the TAB file text seems too faint. Use Edit..All Bold to fix this. Alternatively, use Edit..Properties..Highlighting..Font and experiment with Arial or Ms Sans Serif or Consolas instead of Courier New. Later use Edit..Restore Default Settings to go back to normal. URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/tabmate/hc_edit.htm Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |