Spreadsheets Covering Just Some Years

This is about spreadsheet files which cover just some years. You produce such files by running one of the spreadsheet jobs over just some years. You can access these spreadsheet files via the Some button in the Which Years group in the Results for All/Several Years part of the Results page.

The names of these spreadsheet files are determined as for spreadsheet files covering all years. Spreadsheet files covering just some years have the years indicated at the end of the name. Examples will make this clear.

If you have selected Some from the Which Years group, when you click on the Spreadsheet button you will be shown a file dialog box which asks you to select the file you wish to look at. The list of files presented depends on the choices you made in the Which Run and Style groups. For example, if you have selected Policy and Year-on-year and if the 3-letter Sim Names are BS1 (Base), BR1 (Rerun) and PL1 (Policy), you will see all files of the form BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-SSY*.CSV. These are all year-on-year spreadsheet files for the Policy (including the one covering all years and any you have created covering just some years).

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_someyears.htm

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