Example of Names for Results files

The main results files are

the Solution and SLC files produced for each year of each simulation.

the updated data files produced by each simulation.

the spreadsheet files produced at the end of each run (Base, Rerun and Policy).

the cumulative results RSL files and of the cumulative differences RSL file (these are Header Array files used to load results across all years into AnalyseGE).

The names for these are determined by the Sim Name for the relevant run and the Sim Names of the prerequisite runs, as the following examples show.

In the example below, we suppose that the 3-character Sim Names (as shown on the Sim Overview page) are NOR (Base), PRE (Rerun) and PL1 (Policy), and suppose that you are doing the Rerun (that is, are rerunning the Base with the Policy Closures).

Solution files, SLC files and Command and LOG files

The Solution files for year 2003 of the policy deviation run will be called NORB-PRER-PL1P-2003.SL4 while the Solution file for year 2003 of the Base will be called NORB-2003.SL4. [Prior to Version 3.0 (December 2003) these would have been PL1P2003.SL4 and NORB2003.SL4.] The SLC file for each simulation has the same name as the Solution file except that the suffix is .SLC.

The Command files and LOG files produced by simulations have the same names as for the Solution file produced except that Command files have suffix .CMF and LOG files have suffix .LOG.

Updated Data files

Suppose that one of the logical data files in the model has logical name EXTRA4 and 3-character Key (as shown on the Other Files page) EX4. Then the updated versions of this file after the simulation for year 2003 of the Policy will be called EX4-NORB-PRER-PL1P-2003.HAR while the updated versions after the simulations for year 2003 of the Base and Rerun will be EX4-NORB-2003.HAR and EX4-NORB-PRER-2003.HAR respectively. [Prior to Version 3.1 (December 2003), these names would have been EX4PL103.HAR, EX4NOR03.HAR and EX4PRE03.HAR respectively.]

Output Data files (produced via Write statements in TAB file)

Suppose that one of the logical data files in the model has logical name OUTPUT5 and 3-character Ken (as shown on the Other Files page) OU5. Then the version of this file after the simulation for year 2003 of the Policy will be called OU5-NORB-PRER-PL1P-2003-2004.HAR. This name contains both the start year 2003 and end year 2004 since an output file can contain both pre-simulation data (relates to start year) and post-simulation data (relates to the end year).

Year-on-year and Cumulative Spreadsheet files Covering All Years

At the end of the Base, the names of these are determined by the Sim Name for the Base. The names are NORB-SSY.CSV (year-on-year) and NORB-SSC.CSV (cumulative).

At the end of the Rerun, the names of these are determined by the Sim Names for the Base and Rerun. The names are NORB-PRER-SSY.CSV (year-on-year) and NORB-PRER-SSC.CSV (cumulative).

At the end of the Policy, the names of these are determined by the Sim Names for the Base, Rerun and Policy. The names are NORB-PRER-FASP-SSY.CSV (year-on-year) and NORB-PRER-FASP-SSC.CSV (cumulative). [If you are not doing the Rerun, the names are determined by the Sim Names for the Base and Policy. Then the year-on-year spreadsheet file would be called NORB-FASP-SSY.CSV.]

Differences Spreadsheet files Covering All Years

This is determined by the Sim Names for the Base, Rerun and Policy. The names are NORB-PRER-FASP-DEVC.CSV (cumulative differences) and NORB-PRER-FASP-DEVY.CSV (year-on-year differences, if you are producing this file).

[If you are not doing the Rerun, the names are determined by the Sim Names for the Base and Policy. Then the cumulative differences spreadsheet file would be called NORB-FASP-DEVC.CSV.]

Spreadsheet files covering just Some Years

Suppose you do spreadsheet jobs for just some years, say years 2002 to 2007. Then the names of the spreadsheet files produced are as above for the whole run except that the start and end years are added at the end. For example, the year-on-year spreadsheet file for years 2002 to 2007 of the Policy would be called NORB-PRER-FASP-SSY-2002-2007.CSV.

Cumulative Results RSL Files and Cumulative Differences RSL File for Loading into AnalyseGE

The names of the cumulative results RSL files and of the cumulative differences RSL file (these are Header Array files used to load results across all years into AnalyseGE) are very similar to those for the corresponding cumulative spreadsheet files, except that these files have suffix .RSL . As with spreadsheet files, these files can cover all years or just several consecutive years.

For example,

the file holding the cumulative differences across all years is NORB-PRER-FASP-DEVC.RSL (DEVC indicates cumulative differences)

the file holding the cumulative solution across all years of the Base is NORB-SSC.CSV (SSC denotes cumulative results)

the file holding the cumulative solution across all years of the Policy is NORB-PRER-FASP-SSC.CSV

the file holding the cumulative differences across just years 2003 to 2006 is NORB-PRER-FASP-DEVC-2003-2006.RSL

the file holding the cumulative results across just years 2003 to 2006 of the Rerun is NORB-PRER-SSC-2003-2006.RSL

The Letter after the Sim Names in all These Names

You can choose different 3-character Sim Names but cannot change the fourth character added after these Sim Names (namely B for Base, R for Rerun and P for Policy).

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_examplesolname.htm

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