
On this page you can select which of the results you wish to view. You can look at results from any one of base case, base case rerun or policy deviation (depending on which of these you have already run). For example, if you have run the base case and the policy deviation, you can choose to view results from either one.

In the upper box (Results for All/Several Years) are results summarising a whole run (base, base rerun or policy) or giving differences between the policy and the base case. Also available here are results covering just some (several consecutive) years if you have run spreadsheet jobs covering just some years.

In the lower box (Results for Individual Years) you can look at the Solution files, Log files, data files or other output files for each year of one of the runs.

Whenever you ask to look at any of these results, the software checks to see if the file with the appropriate name is up-to-date. If not, you may be told that

(a) the file currently on your hard disk is not the same one that was created when you last carried out the run, or

(b) there is no indication that the relevant parts of the simulation have been calculated successfully (since the last changes to model, data, closures, shocks etc).

[These checks can only be done if you chose to record times and dates of files created during the relevant run.]

If some of the results have changed since your last successful run, or if you are told that there is no indication that you have successfully run the simulation (since the last changes to closures, shocks etc) you may need to rerun parts of the different simulations (base, policy) again.

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