Several Sets of Policy Closures and Policy Shocks in Same Directory Consider the example application and suppose you have run all 5 years of the Base, Rerun and Policy. Changing the Policy Shocks Only Suppose that you change the Policy Shocks files on the Closure/Shocks page so that they are: none (year 1998), MMPOL1.PSH (year 1999, MMPOL3.PSH (year 2000), none (years 2001 and 2002). Note that the first year for the policy shock is year 1999, the same as before. [If this were different, you would need to adopt different techniques for managing this in the same directory.] Note also that the Policy closures are still the same. Hence it should not be necessary to Rerun the Base again. Instead it should be necessary just to run the Policy. Accordingly, it is only necessary to change the 3-character Sim Name for the Policy. Change it to PP2. Notice also that, since the first year policy shock (MMPOL1.PSH in year 1999) is the same as before, you may think that it should be possible to start running the Policy at year 2000 (the first year where the Policy shocks have changed). You could check this by making the changes above (including changing the Sim Name for the Policy to PP2) and then asking Where To Start ?. You will be told that you need to run all years of the Policy because the 3-character Sim Name for the Policy has changed. This is correct since the new Sim Name PP2 applies to all years of this new Policy. The Solution file for year 1999 under this new policy will be the same as that produced under the original policy PPP. However their names will be different. The software is not able to recognise that year 1999 of the policy has Sim Name PPP and subsequent years have Sim Name PP2. Hence you have to rerun all years. After you run all years of this new policy PP2, you can look at the new results. If you want to revert to the original policy PPP, you can do so by loading the relevant Simulation Details file MMMNNNPPP.DS1. If you do that and ask Where To Start? you will be told (as you expect) that everything is still ok. Changing the Policy Shocks and Closures Load back the original Simulation Details file MMMNNNPPP.DS1 to return to the original application. Suppose then that you change the Policy Shocks files on the Closure/Shock page so that they are: none (years 1998 and 1999), MMPOL1.PSH (years 2000, 2001 and 2002) and suppose that you change the Policy Closures so that they are: MO.CLS (years 2000 and 2001) and MO4.CLS (year 2002). Note that it does not matter what you put for the Policy Closure files for years 1998 and 1999 since these years are before the first Policy shock. [You could even put non-existent files XX.CLS there if you wish to.] Now since you have changed both the closures and shocks for the Policy, you should specify new 3-character Sim Names for the Policy and the Rerun. Change these on the Sim Overview page to NN3 (Rerun) and PP3 (Policy). Now if you ask Where To Start?, you will be told that you need to do all years of the Rerun and of the Policy. Changing the Base Life gets a little more complicated if you have several Bases. But you can still keep track of things, as further examples show. These examples also include several different sets of Policy Shocks and Closures. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |