The Different Parts of a Job The software is organised in terms of different jobs and parts of jobs. When a job is running, the job progress status shown on the panel near the bottom of the main form uses the names of these different jobs and parts of jobs. Otherwise you will only need to know the details below if a job crashes and you are trying to understand why it crashed. This is why we indicate the names of the LOG files for the different job parts. In all cases the LOG files are put into the Temporary Directory. Below we give LOG file names assuming that the 3-character Sim Names (on the Sim Overview page) are BS1 for the Base, BR1 for the Rerun and PL1 for the Policy, and assume that you are doing the Rerun (that is, are rerunning the Base with the Policy closures). sim job. For each year of the Base, Rerun and Policy, there is a sim job which has two parts, sim (the actual simulation) and sol. The sol part runs the GEMPACK program SLTOHT to produce a Header Array SOL file from the Solution file for that year. For year 2002 of the Policy the LOG file for the sim part is called BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-2002SIM.LOG while the LOG file for the sol part is called PL102ST7.LOG. [Here, and elsewhere, the 02 in these names is taken from the last two digits in the year 2002.] bot job. Prior to each year of the Policy, there is a bot job which produces the .BOT file which contains shocks for the Policy run. This bot job has 2 or 3 parts: •Firstly the env part. Here the EXE file used to solve the model is used to create an Environment file corresponding to the closure used for this year of the Policy. The LOG file for this part for year 2002 is called BR199ENV.LOG (if the Base Rerun is being done) or PL199ENV.LOG (if the Base Rerun is not being done). •Then the either the seenv1 part if option Use SOL files for Shocks under the Run Preferences menu is not checked, or the solpol part if Use SOL files for Shocks is checked. •In the seenv1 case, the GEMPACK program SEENV is run to convert the Environment file created during the env part to a Spreadsheet Mapping file containing just the variables which are exogenous in the closure for this year of the Policy. The LOG file for this part for year 2002 is called BR199ST2.LOG (if the Base Rerun is being done) or PL199ST2.LOG (if the Base Rerun is not being done). •In the solpol case, the GEMPACK program SLTOHT is run to convert the Solution file from the same year of the Base to a Header Array file. This is the file Shocks will be read from when doing this year of the Rerun and the Policy. The Header Array (SOL) file produced has suffix .RSL. See Use SOL Files for Shocks for more details about this file and its purpose. The LOG file for this part for year 2002 is called BR199ST8.LOG (if the Base Rerun is being done) or PL199ST8.LOG (if the Base Rerun is not being done). [The solpol job was introduced in October 2003. Prior to that the .SOL file produced for ViewSOL when this year of the Base was run was used to read the shocks from. (This .SOL file is produced by the sol part of the sim job.) We now read from the .RSL file (which is specific to RunDynam) since ViewSOL may alter the .SOL file in ways that RunDynam cannot control.] •Finally either the sltoht1 part (if option Use SOL files for Shocks under the Run Preferences menu is not checked) or the seenv2 part (if Use SOL files for Shocks is checked). These produce the .BOT file which contains shocks corresponding to the results from the Base for all variables which are to be exogenous in this year of the Policy. In the sltoht1 case, the GEMPACK program SLTOHT is run with option shk and the Spreadsheet Mapping file produced in the seenv1 part to produce the .BOT file. In the seenv2 case, the GEMPACK program SEENV is run to produce the .BOT file which, in this case, contains statements to select the shocks from the relevant header of the .RSL file produced by the solpol part of this bot job. The LOG file for this part for year 2002 is called BR199STx.LOG (if the Base Rerun is being done) or PL199STx.LOG (if the Base Rerun is not being done). In these names, x is 3 in the sltoht1 part case and x is 9 in the seenv2 part case. csv, sssol, accum, devia, cumsol and devsol jobs. Finally there are the spreadsheet jobs which are run after all the simulations have been completed for the relevant multi-year simulation (Base, Rerun or Policy). •The csv job produces spreadsheets (.CSV files) of results for each year. These are put into the Temporary directory. [This is done by a single run of the GEMPACK program SLTOHT. SLTOHT option sss is used.] •The sssol job produces Header Array (.RSL) files containing simulation results for each year. These are put into the Temporary directory. [This is done by a single run of the GEMPACK program SLTOHT.] •The accum job has parts yony (which produces the year-on-year spreadsheet) and cum (which produces the cumulative version of the spreadsheet for this multi-year simulation if that is being produced). It also has a third part py if you are not rerunning the Base with the Policy closures and the starting year of the Policy run is after the first year of the Base. This py part creates the year-on-year spreadsheet for the Base covering just the years of the Policy run. This file is used in the devia job (see below). [The GEMPACK program ACCUM is run once for each of these parts.] •The cumsol job is similar to the accum job except that it produces the Header Array (.RSL) files used to load cumulative results into AnalyseGE. It has parts cum and py (which is needed in the same circumstances as the py part of the accum job). [The GEMPACK program CMBHAR is run once for each of these parts. CMBHAR option CML is used.] •For the Policy, the cumsol job is followed by the devia job which produced the differences spreadsheets. This devia job has two parts cum (which produces the cumulative differences spreadsheet) and yony (which produces the year-on-year differences spreadsheet if that is being produced). [The GEMPACK program DEVIA is run once for each of these parts.] •For the Policy, the devia job is followed by the devsol job which produced the Header Array (.RSL) file used to load the cumulative differences across all years into AnalyseGE. This devsol job has just the cum part. [The GEMPACK program CMBHAR is run once for this job. CMBHAR option DIF is used.] The LOG file for the csv job in the Policy case is called PL1PCSV.LOG. The LOG file for the sssol job is called PL1PSSSSOL.LOG. The LOG files for the different parts of the accum job are called BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-SSY.LOG (yony part) and BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-SSC.LOG (cum part). The LOG files for the different parts of the devia job are called BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-DEVC.LOG (cum part) and BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-DEVY.LOG (yony part). The LOG files for the cumsol and devsol jobs have the same names as for the accum and devia jobs respectively, except that SOL is added just before .LOG. The names are BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-SSCSOL.LOG (cum part of cumsol job) and BS1B-BR1R-PL1P-DEVCSOL.LOG (devsol job). As well as the LOG files for the different parts of the jobs, there are also LOG files for each of the jobs. [Each such LOG file contains the LOG files for the different parts.] URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |