GEMPACK Price List

From January 2025, prices below apply to GEMPACK 12.2, the latest release of GEMPACK, with these improvements over previous releases. Prices are valid until further notice. Licence conditions are shown here.

See also:     Sales enquiries and ordering       Information for onsellers or distributors


Licence limitations

See this table comparing different versions of GEMPACK.

Payment schemes

There are two payment schemes:

Select options below to calculate prices for you:

 User Type 
 No. of Users 
Permanent Licence Update Annual Subscription 3-year Subscription
Executable-Image GEMPACK: Limited
Executable-Image GEMPACK: Unlimited
Source-Code GEMPACK: Unlimited
RunDynam: Limited
RunDynam: UnLimited
RunDynam + Source-Code GEMPACK: Unlimited
RunDynam + Exe-Image GEMPACK: Unlimited


1: Prices are GST-exclusive. Customers located in Australia must add 10% to above prices.

2: If you want to pay by credit card, you need to pay in $AUD. It's a requirement imposed by Victoria University. Sorry!

3: GEMPACK/RunDynam bundle: if purchased together, the price is 10% less than if purchased separately -- applies to all 'unlimited' versions of GEMPACK and RunDynam.

4: Additional operating systems: if you want Source-Code licences for two operating systems (for example, Linux and Windows), all payments are increased by 60% to cover the second operating system.

5: Free, time-limited, licences are available to organizers of GEMPACK-based training courses. The Limited version of Executable-Image GEMPACK is available free to universities.

6: The definition of a "site licence" differs for commercial and non-commercial customers; see points 4 and 5 here.

See also
Sales enquiries and ordering
Different versions of GEMPACK
Table comparing different versions of GEMPACK
Licence conditions
Which version for GTAP users ?