Release 12.2 introduces several Runge-Kutta solution methods which greatly improve the tradeoff between
accuracy and simulation time.
The Runge-Kutta methods are likely to yield more accurate solutions for the same simulation time as the Euler, Midpoint or Gragg methods; or a
faster solution with the same accuracy as the older methods.
4 Runge-Kutta 'flavors' are offered: RK2, RK4 (the default), BoSha32 or DoPri54. The last 2, BoSha32 and DoPri54, provide estimates of solution
accuracy and can be used with an adaptive stepsize option.
As well, Release 12.2 fixes several small bugs.
Improvements to GUI programs
Several improvements affect all the GUI programs
Improved visual appearance and behaviour on high DPI monitors.
Many performance, stability and usability enhancements.
Enhanced support for international characters in file and folder names.
Reduced reliance on temporary batch files when running auxiliary programs.
Unified search for GEMPACK folder and executables.
In TABmate, ViewHAR, ViewSOL, AnalyseGE and RunDynam, the History menu item in the File menu shows extended history of most recently used
files and backup files, and allows you to open these files.
Except for Rundynam, GUI program version numbers now follow the GEMPACK Release number.
User can reload currently open SL4 file as HAR file or in SOL view from the File menu.
Viewhar now puts backup files in a "__history" subfolder with names based on the original file name. The File...Options menu item allows you
to automatically delete backups older than a specified number of days.
Change Header/LongName menu has been changed to Rename header.
Change Values context menu is now available from Edit menu as well.
Contents page rows can now be sorted. See the 'Looking at files' helpfile topic.
Font size, Row height and Column width buttons have labels next to them to make them easier to identify.
ViewHAR now accepts command line parameters for file comparison. See the 'Comparing 2 HAR or SL4 files' helpfile topic.
When viewing header data it is now possible to navigate directly to desired dim using special notation.
Header Properties report now shows location of minimum and maximum values in the header.
Context menu in contents and data grid can be invoked using keyboard (Shift-F10 or Windows Menu key ☰,▤).
When viewing header data it is now possible to navigate sets using keyboard Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right and selected set elements can be navigated
using keyboard Ctrl+Up / Ctrl+Down.
Added option to ViewHAR to compare sets and set elements when comparing HAR files.
The current column of Contents and Data grids can be searched quickly just by typing start of the search term.
TABmate now puts backup files in a "__history" subfolder with names based on the original file name. The Options...Code and other menu item
allows you to automatically delete backups older than a specified number of days.
Configure right margin and word wrapping for all file types in Options..Code and other.
Find All functionality allows for quick overview and navigation of all found text.
When text is selected, all matching text on the screen will be highlighted. Switch feature on/off using Options...Code and other menu item.
When strong comments are nested inside weak comments, highlighting will show them as weak comments.
Close solution, Accuracy Summary and Closure Summary can be accessed from File menu.
Contents page rows can now be sorted.
Font size, Row height and Column width buttons have labels next to them to make them easier to identify.
The current column of Contents and Data grids can be searched quickly just by typing start of the search term.
Allow user to delete series in Charter by right clicking on the series in the chart or in the legend.
Clicking on the series in a chart or legend will toggle the highlighting for that series on and off.
When series name is already present in Charter then prefix it with coefficient/variable name.
Programs menu is displayed in all AnalyseGE screens to allow user to run other GEMPACK programs.
Allow user to minimize just the AnalyseGE form instead of whole application and added options to AnalyseGE to minimize AnalyseGE form when
solution is loaded or just when solution is loaded from another program (command line).
New appearance options that can embed TABmate and ViewHAR windows into single AnalysGE window available under Options...Appearance submenu.
Right clicking on set definition now shows evaluate option to show all set elements.
Added Load/Save experiment functionality.
Added new menu layout that has main options under the top level menus and less frequently used options grouped as sub-menus of the top level
menu. New menu layout can be enabled using Options...Show New Menus.
Allow user to open input files using double click on pressing on ENTER and to open all input files from context menu.
Added option to Sim overview to re-run failed period using alternate solution method.
Added View Log button to RunDynam that allows user to see logs for currently running sim.
Added solution analysis button on Results page to help identify sims with performance or accuracy problems.
Allow user to select spreadsheet program from the list of available programs read from the registry for CSV files.
Added options to Results page to open Assertion Failed file and Arithmetic Errors file for each period.
Allow user to edit CMF file by double clicking a cell or by pressing RETURN key in selected cell.
Added option to RunPartBase* to re-run all spreadsheet jobs.
Added option to specify RunDynam licence folder.
Removed Monash Rational Expectations from RunDynam.
Allow user to see and change alternative solution method on sim overview page.
Allow user to see and change thread limit in Sim Overview page.
Added option to compare two individual data/sol files from Results page.
Added option to view single year result differences between rerun and base.
Change to allow multiple instances of RunDynam at the same time. From the command line you can type:
Rundynam /Appname ggg
to launch a new instance of RunDynam with instance name 'ggg'. Instead of 'ggg' you can choose any other unused
instance name.
Run Preferences menu item now gives option to run all sims in temp folder.
File menu now offers 'Write Report showing sim output files'.
On Model/Data page,'Update Model' button allows you to update or rebuild model exe if it was not included in the archive.
Added Runge-Kutta flavours to available solution methods.
Added Run Preferences menu option to run jobs hidden -- which may speed up jobs on Windows 11.
Added View menu option to show console windows of currently running hidden jobs.
Release 12.2 is 64-bit only
Previous GEMPACK releases were available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We have now discontinued the 32-bit version.
Release 12.2 will be supplied to all new GEMPACK purchasers. Current subscribers to the annual payment scheme
for the source-code version of GEMPACK are advised to download a free upgrade -- they should email (specifying their licence number) for further details.
In some cases, Release 12.2 licences will need to be 'activated'; more details here.
Advice to GFortran source-code users
Note that GEMPACK 12.1 or later requires GFortran version 6.4.0. If you are upgrading to GFortran 6.4.0, first uninstall the older GFortran. [In
Control Panel "Programs and Features" uninstall, for example, "MinGW-w64 version 1.0 GCC 4.8.1 prerelease (GEMPACK compatible)". More information.]
Advice to Intel Fortran source-code users
GEMPACK 12.2 requires Intel Fortran version 13 to 19 inclusive. Consider switching to GFortran, which is both free and faster. GFortran also
avoids the problem mentioned in the next paragraph.
EXE files produced by GEMPACK 12.1 (or later) and the Intel compiler need to have access to a file called libiomp5md.dll. Normally access is
guaranteed, since this file comes with both GEMPACK and Intel Fortran. However, if you use GEMPACK 12.1 (or later) with Intel Fortran and intend
to distribute TABLO-generated EXE files (for example, in RunDynam archives or in RunGTAP version zips) to other people who might not have
installed Intel Fortran or GEMPACK 12.1 (or later), you should be aware of the missing DLL problem.