TABLO will take a stream of instructions from a file called a STI (stored-input) stored file. These instructions are used to specify the condensation of the model, and also specify some other things (for example, whether to generate FORTRAN or GEMSIM code). TABLO programs for manipulating data (without equations or variables) do not need a condensation.

The condensation instructions are contained in a file suffixed STI. The STI file is a text file which you construct yourself using a text editor (such as TABmate). Look at this example.

The Closure command can be used to create some condensation instructions automatically.

As well as the condensation, the STI file may contain other instructions to TABLO. For example, a line near the end may specify whether FORTRAN (wfp) or GEMSIM (pgs) code is written .

When you choose TABLO from STI, TABmate attempts to locate an existing STI file named after the TAB. If it finds such a file you can run it (using TABLO) or edit it. Or you can use the Browse button to choose some other STI file.

If TABmate cannot locate an existing STI file, it offers to create a template STI file. If the template contains condensation instructions, you will have to edit them before running the STI (the example.might help).

Important: Do not use the STI file to ask for a LOG file called Tabmate.log or an INF file called Tabmate.inf. TABmate already creates such files, and there would be a file naming conflict.

If TABLO finds errors in the STI file, they will be reported in the LOG or INF files.

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