Example STI file TABLO will take a stream of instructions from a file called a STI (stored-input) stored file. These instructions are used to specify the condensation of the model. The STI file is a text file which you construct yourself using a text editor (such as TABmate). Below is a version of the STI file used for the ORANIG98 model (it has been abbreviated to save space). You could adapt it for your own model. See also TABLO from STI and Closure -----------------------EXAMPLE STI file below------------------------ ! This Stored-input file is used to run TABLO to process ! the TABLO Input file ORANIG98.TAB for ORANI-G. ! It carries out the standard condensation for the model. bat ! Run in batch mode, followed by blank line ORANIG98 ! Name of TABLO Input file ORANIG98 ! Name of Information file c ! condense o ! Omit following variables a1 a2 a2mar f1lab_i ! blank line at end of those to be omitted s ! Substitute (disappears from model) p1 ! Variable to be substituted E_p1 ! Use this equation s ! Substitute (etc) p1lab E_p1lab s x1oct E_x1oct b ! Backsolve (visible in solution, but cannot be exogenous) p1oct E_p1oct e ! exit condensation a ! code generation WFP ! write FORTRAN program (alternative PGS for GEMSIM) ORANIG98 ! program name, followed by 2 blank lines -----------------------END of EXAMPLE STI file------------------------ URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/tabmate/hc_examplesti.htm Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |