Quarterly and Monthly Models

From Version 3.56 (August 2010), RunDynam also allows for quarterly or monthly. These are models in which the lengths of the periods are measured in quarters or years respectively. RunDynam now has two check boxes, namely Use Quarters? and Use Months? which you can use to indicate these sorts of models. In either case you need to specify the quarter or month (as well as the year) represented by the Starting Data; that is also done on the Sim Overview page. For quarterly or monthly models, the strings shown in the left-hand column of the Closure/Shocks page reflect the year and quarter/month represented by the Starting Data and reflect the lengths of the periods. Examples will make this clear.

Example 1 -- A Quarterly Model

Example 2 -- A Monthly Model

The dates used with a quarterly or monthly model (eg 2003q4 or 2006jul) are also used in the other relevant places in the software. For example,

in the right-hand box in the Results for Individual Years on the Results page, or

when you ask to carry out part of a run via the Tasks menu.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_quarterly.htm

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