Example of a Monthly Model

Suppose that the top of the Sim Overview page shows

Use Months? is checked.

Start from data representing month 7 of year 2003 which we denote by 2003jul. [Start from data for year 2003 and Starting Data Month is 7.]

Number of periods in Base Case is 4.

Lengths of Periods are 2,3,4,1 respectively. These are MONTHS since Use Months? is checked for a monthly model.


the simulation for the first period produces data for month 9 (September) year 2003 - that is, for 2003sep. Starting data represents 2003jul and the simulation produces updated data which represents 2003sep since the simulation covers 2 months (length of first period).

the simulation for the second period produces data for month 12 (December) of year 2003 - that is, for 2003dec. This simulation starts from data representing 2003sep (as produced by the first simulation) and the simulation produces updated data which represents 2003dec since the simulation covers 3 months (length of second period).

the simulation for the third period produces data for 2004apr -- starts from data for 2003dec and simulation covers 4 months.

the simulation for the fourth period produces data for 2004may -- starts from data for 2004apr and simulation covers 1 month.

the dates shown in the left-hand column on the Closure/Shocks page are 2003sep, 2003dec, 2004apr and 2004may -- these are the dates for which the 4 simulations produce data.

Note that the dates shown in the left-hand column of the Closure/Shocks page affect the names of various results files. For example, suppose that the 3-letter names are BAS, BR1 and POL for the Base, Rerun and Policy respectively. Then

the Solution file for the first period of the Base will be called bas-2003sep.sl4 while the Solution file for the second period of the Policy (assuming that the Policy starts at the same time as the Base) will be called bas-br1-pol-2003dec.sl4.

the updated version of Starting Data file with logical name IODATA with key IOD (as shown on the Other Files page) after the first period of the Base will be called iod-bas-2003sep.sl4 while the updated version after the second period of the Policy (assuming that the Policy starts at the same time as the Base) will be called iod-bas-br1-pol-2003dec.sl4.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_monthly.htm

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