Moving or Deleting Output (Results) Files Before a Job Begins Whenever you start a job running it will carry out various simulations and/or spreadsheet jobs. Each simulation or spreadsheet job should (if successful) produce various output (or results) files, including •Solution files, SLC files, Updated data files, other Output files (produced via Write statements in your TABLO Input file); •Spreadsheet files (year-on-year, cumulative or difference spreadsheets); •SOL and SLI files (which speed up ViewSOL). Before such a run is begun, the software may delete or move pre-existing versions of these output files. This is done so that, if an error occurs, you will be confused by inadvertently looking at old version of these files. For example, suppose that you have run all years of the Base but discover an error in setting up the Base shocks for year number 6. After fixing this error, you will want to start a job carrying out the Base Case simulations for years number 6 to the end of the Base. It is probably a good idea to delete all output files that should be produced from these simulations before the job starts. Suppose, for example, that an error occurs during the simulation for year 8. Then you would not want to look at the old results for year 8 (since they are wrong). Nor would you want to look at the old year-on-year spreadsheet covering all years of the Base. Deleting (or moving) these outputs from your Working Directory before the run starts prevents that sort of problem. [Of course, you dont want the output files from the good years 1 to 5 deleted, and they wont be.] You have a choice between the following three alternatives (all relating to what happens to existing versions of output files that should be created when you start a job): 1. Move existing versions of output files that should be created to a subdirectory of the Working Directory. [That is, first copy them to this subdirectory and then delete them from the Working Directory.] The subdirectory is usually called RDYNRES. However the RDYN part of this name may be different for the model-specific versions of this software -- for example, it is RMON for the MONASH model version of this software. 2. Delete (from the Working Directory) existing versions of output files that should be created. 3. Neither delete nor move existing versions of output files that should be created. By default (that is, until you select an alternative), files are moved (see 1 above). You can change this via Options menu item Move/Delete Outputs Before Run ? . When you select that menu item, three alternatives (as above) are shown. Moving or Deleting outputs before the run is done just after you click on Ok (instead of Cancel) to start the job running. [At the same time, RunDynam checks to see if any of the output files is locked by another program. This checking about files being locked is done irrespective of which of the 3 Move/Delete Outputs Before Run options you have selected.] URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |