Main TABLO file

This is the TABLO Input file used to build the model with which you are carrying out simulations.

Note that the file you are shown is a copy of the original TABLO Input file. [This copy is extracted from the AXT or GST file and put into the temporary directory used by RunDynam.] If you want to save a copy of this file, you should store it in a different directory since files in the temporary directory are deleted when you close RunDynam.

RunDynam does not provide an environment for developing models. You should use TABmate or WinGEM for that.

RunDynam does not attempt to locate the actual TABLO Input file (the one you or someone else used to make the TABLO-generated program or GEMSIM Auxiliary files shown in the Model part of the Model/Data page). Nor does RunDynam attempt to zip up that original TAB file when saving a Zip Archive. It is your responsibility to keep track of that original TAB file. [You could include your original TAB file in the EXTRA.ZIP part of a Zip Archive if you wanted to.]

Instead RunDynam undertakes to show you a copy of the TAB file which was used in producing the EXE used to solve the model, which it does by extracting this TAB file from the Auxiliary files. And it includes this copy in the TABETC.ZIP part of a Zip Archive. [Extracting it in this way is very reliable of showing you exactly what TAB file went into making the TABLO-generated EXE. You may have changed your original TAB file since making the EXE, so showing you that could be misleading (even if RunDynam knew where your original TAB file is located).]

The same applies to the Stored-input file used to run TABLO. RunDynam shows you a copy of the original file, and it includes that copy in the TABETC.ZIP part of a Zip Archive.

The TABLO Input file for the model contains the equations and variables of the model. It is written in GEMPACKs TABLO language.

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