Common Row on Closure/Shocks Page If you specify a file in the Common row under the Base or Policy Closure column, the contents of this file begin the Closure part of the Command file for every simulation in the relevant run (Base, Policy or Rerun). [If you are doing the Rerun and specify a file in the Policy Closure column of the Common row, the contents of that file is used as the start of the closure for both the Rerun (if you are doing it) and for the Policy simulations.] For example, the Common file may set up a default closure for the Base case and then period-specific Closure files (one for each simulation) could specify swaps from that default closure. If the closure for one simulation is identical to that specified in the Common file, you can put common in the relevant period-specific cell. Similarly for the Shocks columns in the Common row. If you specify a file in the Base or Policy shocks in the Common row, those shocks will be applied in every simulation in the Base or Policy respectively. Except that, in the Policy case, if you enter none in a cell, no policy shocks are applied even if there is a Common file in the Policy column. If you organise your shocks files to have the shocks for different years or periods at different dates on the same header, you may be able to use common shocks files for nearly all shocks. When you right click on a cell, you are presented with a pop-up menu. Options none or common will be available in the appropriate cases. [For example, if you are clicking on a cell in the Common row, none will be an option. If you click on a simulation-specific cell in a Closure column, common will be an option (but none will not be).] When you first start using Version 3.15 (November 2006), you will find that the Common row has none in each column. That will also happen if you load simulation details of a simulation saved with a version prior to Version 3.15. An example will help to make this clear. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |