CMFSTART Row on Closure/Shocks Page

From Version 3.15 (November 2006), the CMFSTART files which apply (if any) are shown in the CMFSTART row on the Closure/Shocks page.

Prior to Version 3.15,

names of CMFSTART files were restricted to CMFSTART, CMFSTARTB, CMFSTARTR and CMFSTARTP.

these files were somewhat invisible in the sense that it was easy to overlook them. And they could be easily seenonly via the Edit CMFSTART file(s) menu item under the File menu.


any name with up to 9 characters followed by a suffix of up to 3 characters is allowed.

these files are visible.

these files can be edited if you right click on the cell in question. [There is no longer the Edit CMFSTART file(s) item on the File menu.]

You can now have several different CMFSTART files in the same directory. For example, one for the Policy may contain subtotals while another may contain no subtotals. These different CMFSTART files would be associated with different Sim Names and would be saved and loaded with those Sim Names.

Being able to have different CMFSTART files in the same directory was a major motivation in inserting a CMFSTART row on the Closure/Shocks page.

Which Column Applies to Each Run?

The CMFSTART file for the Base goes in the Base Closures column in the CMFSTART row. Its name is coloured navy blue (the colour code for the Base).

The CMFSTART file for the Policy always goes in the Policy Shocks column in the CMFSTART row (whether or not you are doing the Rerun). Its name is coloured bright blue (the colour code for the Policy).

The CMFSTART file for the Rerun goes in the Policy Closures column in the CMFSTART row. Its name is coloured teal (the colour code for the Rerun).

Nothing goes in the Base Shocks column in the CMFSTART row, which always has N/A (not applicable) in it. If you are not doing the Rerun, you will see N/A in the Policy Closures column in the CMFSTART row.

An example will help to make this clear.

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