May 2015: Ken Pearson, creator of GEMPACK, dies. More details here.
Mar 2015: The Limited-Size Executable-Image version of GEMPACK is now available free to universities.
Mar 2015: The Limited-Size Executable-Image version of GEMPACK is now available free to universities.
Feb 2015: You can request a DVD copy of this website.
Jan 2015: The Argenteola Award for best GEMPACK bug-report of 2014 has been won by George Philippidis.
Jan 2015: Helpfiles for some GEMPACK Windows programs are now mirrored online.
June 2014: GEMPACK Release 11.3 available.
Feb 2014: 30th Anniversary of GEMPACK, first unveiled to the public at a training course, based on the ORANI model, run in 1984 at Melbourne University. At this point GEMPACK would only run on VAX computers -- so there were no Windows programs such as ViewHAR or TABmate [more history here and here].
Jan 2014: The Argenteola Award for best GEMPACK bug-report of 2013 has been won by Ilan Salbe.
Oct 2013: Papers from National CGE Workshop 2013.
May 2013: GEMPACK Release 11.2
May 2012: GEMPACK Release 11.1
May 2011: A Working Paper Solution Software for CGE Modeling by Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson, which compares GEMPACK, GAMS and MPSGE, may be downloaded here.
Oct 2011: GEMPACK Release 11
May 2011: Revised GEMPACK manual may be viewed online, or install it on your own PC.
April 2010: RunDynam now has its own licence file; there is a cheaper version which solves only limited-size models; and you can combine a RunDynam subscription with an annual subscription to source-code GEMPACK.
April 2010: Updated Release 10.002
July 2009: Added code examples showing 4 ways to RAS a matrix within GEMPACK. See CoPS Archive Item TPMH0093.
April 2009: Updated Release 10.001
May 2009: Two new FAQs:
I want to be warned (or get a fatal error) if a coefficient becomes negative. How can I do that?
Can GEMPACK ever tell that a simulation has no solution?
Feb 2009: Revamped Rundynam page, and some notes about different versions of Rundynam.
Sep 2008: We prepared some tips on using GEMPACK with the command line and with BATch files.
June 2008 : GEMPACK 10 is released, after several months testing at CoPS and selected other sites.
June 2007: Mark Horridge and Ken Pearson named as two of the inaugural five members of the GTAP Hall of Fame
April 2007: After 24 years developing GEMPACK, Ken Pearson has reduced his commitment, moving towards a part-time, research-oriented involvement.
He has passed on the position of Director, GEMPACK Software, to Mark Horridge, who will assume overall and day-to-day responsibilities, assisted
by Dr. Michael Jerie (software and support) and Louise Pinchen (Business Manager). Ken will remain in the background to solve more difficult
These re-arrangements are unlikely to affect GEMPACK users much. For the future, we are confident in being able to offer modellers the same steady
improvements in software and the same meticulous support and documentation that Ken Pearson and Jill Harrison (predecessor of Michael Jerie)
provided for many years.
January 2007: We put together some notes to help people choose a new PC suitable for running longer GEMPACK simulations.
September 2006: Jill Harrison retires. Jill has made huge contributions to GEMPACK software, support and teaching. Her legacy will continue well into the future. We wish her well as she begins the next phase of her life.
August 2006: GEMPACK Release 9.0-003 included some bug fixes and a couple of enhancements over and above the features in Release 9.0.
April 2005: GEMPACK Release 9.0 contained many new features.
July 2006: A GEMPACK-based training course on Dynamic CGE modelling of the USA economy was held in Washington from 4th to 12th December 2006. More details .
June 2006: The Centre of Policy Studies welcomes new staff member Dr Michael Jerie. Michael joins CoPS from the Department of Mathematics at La Trobe University. He takes up the position of Research Fellow (Software Support/Developer).
June 2006: Ken Pearson and Mark Horridge presented a paper on parallel processing with GEMPACK at the 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).