by Ken Pearson and Tom Rutherford*
* Tom Rutherford's part in this research was supported by the GAMS Applied General Equilibrium Research Fund. The software described here operates only with GAMS 2.25.089 or later on the PC. The authors remain responsible for any bugs which exist in this software. This software is not officially supported by GAMS Corporation.
On occasion it is necessary for GAMS programs to share data with GEMPACK programs. This document describes GAMS2HAR libinclude routines which facilitate the transfer of data from GAMS to files in GEMPACK header array format, identified by the suffix .HAR". Data transfers from GAMS into HAR files involve the GAMS2HAR libinclude routine and occur at execution time.
Installation of GAMS2HAR
Syntax for GAMS2HAR
Example 1: Generic Invocation
Example 2: Transferring Multiple Items
GAMS2HAR Update, May 2002 GAMS2HAR writes the elements of all relevant sets on the output HAR file and writes GEMPACK TAB
files to read the data.
Element order in GAMS2HAR output files GEMPACK users should be careful about the order of the elements in the sets written
on the output HAR file by GAMS2HAR.
You must have a suitable version of GAMS (2.25.089 or later on the PC) installed on your PC. A number of libinclude routines must be installed in the GAMS include library subdirectory (LDIR) if you want to have these tools as a standard component of your GAMS installation.
Download the
SAVE AS g2har.pck and
SAVE AS harfile.pck
files into your GAMS system directory, and run GAMSINST.
[Alternatively, instead of running GAMSINST, unzip the contents of harfile.pck into your GAMS directory and the contents of g2har.pck into the
inclib subdirectory.]
$LIBINCLUDE gams2har [ file_prefix param1 domain1 param2 domain2 ...[&] ]
Some additional information:
(i) gams2har only works for parameters.
(ii) The first invocation must be outside of a loop or if block.
(iii) In order to use the routine within a loop or if block, include a blank invocation (without arguments) to initialize.
(iv) Domain specifications are required, with a single set identifier for each dimension.
(v) Data is written to the header array file using the MODHAR. The data transfer occurs following each call to gams2har, provided that the call does not terminate with a continuation symbol, "&".
(vi) A continuation symbol indicates that additional parameters will be provided on a subsequent call.
set i /i1*i3/; alias (i,j); parameter a(i,j) Parameter to write into HAR file; a(i,j) = uniform(0,1); $libinclude gams2har ex1 a i j display a;
This code generates a file named ex1.har.
set i /i1*i3/; alias (i,j); parameter a(i,j) Matrix array to write into HAR file b(i) Vector array to write into HAR file; a(i,j) = uniform(0,1); b(i) = uniform(0,1); * Execute the data transfer with a continuation: $libinclude gams2har ex2 a i j b i display a,b;
Alternatively, the second parameter could be transferred in a continuation line:
$libinclude gams2har ex2 a i j & $libinclude gams2har b i
An updated version of the GAMS2HAR routines writes the elements of the sets involved to the output Header Array file.
This version also writes TABLO Input files which can be used (in conjunction with GEMPACK) to
These TAB files can be used to check that you can access the data on the HAR file produced by GAMS2HAR. In particular, if you create a single TAB file made up of these three TAB files (in the order above), you can run this TAB file to test that you can read the coefficients from the HAR file written by GAMS2HAR, and write their values elsewhere.
The TAB files produced have names which start with the name of the output HAR file, followed by an underscore "_" and then a single letter. The letter at the end is "s" (declares and read sets), "c" (declares and reads Coefficients) and "w" (writes Coefficients).
For Example 2 (see above), the TAB files produced are EX2_S.TAB, EX2_C.TAB and EX2_W.TAB. They are as follows.
File BaseData # Contains set and coefficient data # ; Set i read elements from file Basedata header "s0001" ;
! Next is declared in SETS TAB file ! !File Basedata # Contains set and coefficient data # ;! Coefficient (All,i1,i)(All,i2,i) a(i1,i2) ; Read a from file Basedata header "h001" ; Coefficient (All,i1,i) b(i1) ; Read b from file Basedata header "h002" ;
Write a to terminal ; Write b to terminal ;
GEMPACK users should be careful about the order of the elements in the sets written on the output HAR file by GAMS2HAR. An example will make this clear.
Example: Consider the following GAMS file HAR1.GMS.
SET Powerset / cap, inv, dep/ Misc miscellaneous data in DATA /sx, sh, cap, wb/ ; PARAMETER param1(powerset) param2(misc) ; param1(powerset)=23 ; param2(misc)=12 ; param2("cap") = 11 ; $LIBINCLUDE gams2har ex1 param2 misc
You might expect that the elements of the set Misc on the output HAR file EX1.HAR would be as in the declaration of the set Misc in HAR1.GMS. However, the order will be
cap, sx, sh, wb
since GAMS stores the element names in the order they appear in the whole file HAR1.GMS. Since "cap" appears in set Powerset, it comes before the other elements of Misc when written to EX1.HAR by GAMS2HAR.
Since the order of the elements can be important in interpreting data on HAR files, you should look carefully at the output HAR file. For this reason, GEMPACK users should consider including the statement
check-on-read all = yes ;
in their Command files when reading data translated via GAMS2HAR to check that they are associating data correctly.
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