Warnings About Equations Not Being Satisfied Very Accurately

When you solve a simulation, you may receive warnings of the following kind.

%%WARNING. Equation MarketClear("food","USA") is not satisfied very accurately.
(Sum of its terms is 0.2340 while sum of their absolute values is 2.230000.)
This may be because the LHS matrix is not really invertible.

If GEMSIM or your TABLO-generated program (or SAGEM) gives one or more of the these warnings about equations not being satisfied very accurately, you should check the equation or equations indicated in the messages. You should also be suspicious of your simulation results since these messages often indicate some serious problem with the equations of your model or the closure you are using. Accordingly you should check the alleged solution carefully since it may be unreliable (or even meaningless).

Indeed, as the message says, such warnings often mean that the LHS matrix is not really invertible.

Experienced GEMPACK users tend to ignore warnings since a large number are produced in many cases. However,

we urge all users to take VERY SERIOUSLY these warnings about equations not being satisfied very accurately.

If you receive a large number of these messages, the program runs to completion, saves all files, but then ends with a fatal error to alert you to the seriousness of the warnings.

This topic is covered in more detail here and here.

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