Levels Results The results shown may include Levels results for some of the variables. When you look at levels results there are always 4 columns. •The first column shows the simulation result. This is the simulation result for the linear variable as declared in the TAB file. [If the variable was declared as a percentage-change variable (as are most variables in most models), this column shows the percentage change. If the variable was declared as a Change variable by use of the "(Change" qualifier, this column shows the actual change.] The column heading here is (Sim). •The second column shows the pre-simulation levels value. [If the variable in question was declared as a levels variable in the TAB file, the value shown here is the original value of the levels value Coefficient. It the variable in question was declared as a linear variable in the TAB file, then the value shown here is the original value of the Coefficient indicated in the ORIG_LEVEL qualifier. See section 4.5.5 of GPD-2 for more details.] The column heading is Pre. •The third column shows the post-simulation levels value (of the Coefficient whose pre-simulation value is shown in the second column). The column heading is Post. •The last column, which has heading Ch/%Ch, shows the OPPOSITE (change/percent-change) of what the simulation result shows in the sense that, (i) if the simulation result shows a percent change, then the last column shows the corresponding change, while (ii) if the simulation result shows a change, then the last column shows the corresponding percent change. Example. Consider an example in which there are the following Variables and Coefficients. Coefficient X ; Y ; Variable (Linear, ORIG_LEVEL=X) p_X ; ! percent change variable ! Variable (Linear, Change, ORIG_LEVEL=Y) c_Y ; !change variable ! Variable (Levels) Z ; ! associated percent change linear variable is p_Z ! Variable (Levels, Change) W ; ! associated change linear variable is c_W ! Consider a simulation in which the pre-simulation values of the Coefficients are X=1, Y=2, Z=3 and W=4 and in which the post-simulation values of the Coefficients are X=1.3, Y=2.7, Z=3.6 and W=3.2 Then the levels results for these variables will be
Notice that the values shown in the Ch/%Ch column are changes in the p_X and p_Z rows, but are percentage changes in the c_Y and c_W rows. Suppressing Levels Results Whether or not levels results are available for a particular variable depends on the way that variable is declared in the TABLO Input file for the model. Levels results are calculated by GEMPACK for variables which are declared as levels variables or for linear variables whose declaration includes an ORIG_LEV= qualifier. Levels results can be suppressed via Options. URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/viewsol/hc_levelsresults.htm Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |