Sparse Sorted View

Sparse Sorted view is accessed through the Special View menu (click on the green button at the left of the top tool bar to see it).

Sparse Sorted view is useful to answer the following types of questions:

Which commodities are most heavily taxed?

Which commodities contribute most tax revenue?

Which are the main commodities used by each industry?

Which industries use most Steel?

Within each row, the cells are sorted with biggest entries at left (unless you chose to reverse sort). Each cell contains a category (column) label as well as a number. A dialog box allows you to limit the display to the N biggest entries, or to exclude entries which are less than X% of the row total.

The sorting always goes by rows, not columns, so you might need to use the Transpose button to see the view you want. You can also display sorted shares.

Sorting percent change results

You can sort to see:

Which industries contracted most?

Which region GDPs grew most?

With percent change results, the total (which is a simple sum) makes little sense, so the "Include Rest" and "Include Total" options should be switched OFF. Also, set the "Min Entry as % of Total" value to 0 (to disable it).

The "sort by absolute values" and "reverse sort" options interact as follows.

Absolute Values


Effect on order



Big positives, small numbers, then big negatives



Big negatives, small numbers, then big positive



From big (regardless of sign) to small



From small (regardless of sign) to big

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