Re-Order Headers The Edit..Re-Order Headers command launches a special window which lets you select one or several headers and alter their position in the sequence. A button at the top right of the Re-Order Headers dialog allows you to delete selected headers. This is the quickest way to remove a lot of headers. Re-orderings or deletions will be forgotten if you press the Cancel button. You can have ViewHAR sort the headers alphabetically before displaying them (see Options). This option is switched off if you re-order headers. Note: GEMPACK programs work slightly quicker if the same order is used to declare coefficients, read coefficents, and store coefficients on the input file. The updated file produced by a GEMPACK model stores real coefficients in this optimal order (but moves sets to the end, which may be sub-optimal). GEMPACK programs maintain a pointer (or position marker) in each open HAR file. To find a specific header, the program seeks forward from the current position until the header is found. If file end is reached without finding the header, the file is searched again from the beginning. The process will be a bit more efficient if the headers are stored on disk in the order in which they are needed. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |