Not enough memory to load array When you open a HAR file, ViewHAR tries to load the entire HAR file into memory. The headers are read and loaded into memory in the order in which they are stored on disk. However, ViewHAR can only access 2 GB of memory (4GB if run under 64-bit Windows). Some files may be too large to read in full. As each header is read, ViewHAR checks to see if enough memory remains to store it. If not, a warning message is given and that header is skipped. Hence, even if some headers are too large to store and view, smaller remaining headers can still be viewed. In some cases, it may be possible to view a too-large array by launching ViewHAR from the command line and including that specific header on the command line. In this case ViewHAR only tries to load that one array into memory. See Command Line and File Association. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |