Overview of GEMPACK GEMPACK (General Equilibrium Modelling PACKage) is a collection of programs designed to solve economic models -- especially CGE (computable general equilibrium) models. Models are specified by TAB files -- these are text files written in GEMPACK's TABLO language. Each TAB file is processed by the TABLO program to produce a model-specific executable program (called "TABLO-generated programs"). Data for such programs (for example, input-output tables or elasticities) are usually stored in files called Header Array or HAR files. Simulation results are stored in SL4 files ( a special type of HAR file). The original GEMPACK programs, all written in Fortran, are command-line programs with a non-graphical, "glass teletype" interface. They form the core of GEMPACK and are still used by veterans. They are portable between different operating systems. The chief programs are:
Since 1995, additional GEMPACK programs have been available, which only run on Windows PCs. These have a more modern graphical interface, and are written in Pascal [Delphi]. Most of these GEMPACK windows programs make some use of the core programs listed above: they are really "wrappers" or "shells" which provide a more convenient interface to the original GEMPACK programs. The main windows programs are:
To learn more about GEMPACK, see: http://www.copsmodels.com/gempack.htm
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