Incomplete Aggregation You are viewing a matrix with 3 or more dimensions and have altered an aggregation combo box so that the 'ALL' option is selected for more than 2 dimensions. This means that the resulting matrix would have more than 2 dimensions and so cannot be displayed. The original display remains unchanged and a warning box will appear, urging you to aggregate or slice in another dimension. That is, one of the combo boxes marked 'ALL' must be replaced with 'SUM' or with an individual element number (slice). See also Matrix Aggregation. The File..Options menu offers an 'AutoAggregate' option (by default not selected) which allows you to modify the above behaviour. If AutoAggregate is selected, then, if you alter one aggregation combo box so that the 'ALL' option is selected for more than 2 dimensions, ViewHAR will set the rightmost of the other ALL combo boxes to Sum (so that the display is 2-dimensional).
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