Viewing two files at once A TABmate session only lets you see one file at a time. However, you can launch another session with the menu command Files...Another TABmate. If you do this, then •the existing TABmate is resized to fill the right half of the screen. •the new TABmate fills the left half of the screen. The title bar caption will start with "TABmate (2)". You can then open a second file in the new TABmate (2) window on the left. Arranging TABmate to fill half the screen At the bottom right of the TABmate window is a button divided into 9 sections, like this: Click the middle top section of the button to make TABmate fill the top half of the screen; click the middle left section to make TABmate fill the left half of the screen; and so on. Click corners to move TABmate to a quarter of the screen. Clicking the middle section makes TABmate fill the middle part of the screen. Another TABmate from the command line Normally, if you have TABmate running, and you type from the command line: TABmate filename.txt filename.txt will be opened in the already-running TABmate [although not in an already-running TABmate (2)]. However, if you type from the command line: TABmate ;filename.txt (ie, prefix the filename with a semicolon) filename.txt will be opened in a new TABmate (2) which fills the left half of the screen. See also Magic file-prefix characters Fine Print about second instances of TABmate and ViewSOL Both TABmate and ViewSOL can view several files at once, and both are designed as 'just-one-instance' programs. Each program can be launched from the command-line, or from another program, such as RunDynam or WinGEM. In these cases, if TABmate is already running, then an attempt to open another file will cause the file to be opened in the already-running TABmate (or ViewSOL). If, say from WinGEM, you attempt to view a TAB file when you have two instances of TABmate running, the file will appear in the primary TABmate (ie, not in the 'other' TABmate). If there is no running primary instance of TABmate, a new one will be created.
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