Searching and Replacing The Search...Find command (or keystroke Ctrl-F) launches a search box. You can choose •whether to search forwards or backwards (current setting is shown by an arrow at left of bottom toolbar). •whether to be case sensitive, ie: only locate strings with the same upper/lower case pattern. •whether to locate only whole words, ie: not places where the search string is only part of a word. •whether to continue searching at the file end, ie: if searching forward, and text not found, resume search from top of file. if searching backward, and text not found, resume search from end of file. •whether to search for text using Regular Expressions. The Find button searches from the current cursor position. The Search Forward from Top button: •moves the cursor to the start of the file •sets the search direction to forward •initiates the search The search box remembers previously searched-for items. You can close the search box and use F3 to search again in the currently selected direction. Shift+F3 searches in the opposite direction to that which is currently selected. The Replace dialog works in a similar way. Note that: •you cannot search or replace only within selected text URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |