Ranked Sets

New for GEMPACK 9.0


SET <new-set> [#<labelling-info>#] =

<old-set> Ranked UP|DOWN BY <coeff/var-name> ;


Set IND2 = IND ranked up by LABSHR;

Above statement:

creates set IND2 with same elements as IND but arranged in order of increasing LABSHR

assumes LABSHR is a coefficient dimensioned IND

Within a PostSim section you can rank by variable results:

PostSim (begin) ;

Set INDRDOWN = IND Ranked DOWN BY x0ind ;

Subset IND3WIN # top 3 winners according to x0ind results # =

(all,i,INDRDOWN: $POS(i) <= 3) ;

Coefficient (all,i,INDRDOWN) x0indWIN(i) ;

Formula (all,i,INDRDOWN) x0indWIN(i) = x0ind(i) ;

PostSim (end) ;

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/tabmate/hc_rankedsets.htm

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