Errors table

If you are viewing a TAB file, the Next button searches for the next red underlining (ie, error). Click on the underlined phrase to get the error message.

You can also do this via the Errors submenu under the Tools menu, or with keyboard shortcuts:

Find Next Error        F5

Find Previous Error        SHIFT+F5

Show All Errors        CTRL+F5

If SHIFT or CTRL key is held down while clicking the “Next” button then actions equivalent to SHIFT+F5 or CTRL+F5 will be performed.

The last option (CTRL+F5) creates a list of all errors in a separate window similar to that used for Gloss or Warnings.

Line numbers accompany most errors; you can left-click on a line number to jump to that location in the TAB file and close the Error window (or middle-click or Ctrl-click to jump without closing Error window).

You can alter the font size used in the Gloss, Errors and Warnings windows. See Options.

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